I've thought about blogging once or twice lately, so I figured, why not give it another whirl?
This morning, I loaded up the twins to drive to the Food Bank in Hampton to pick up 75 bags of food. After the food was loaded, I drove it to Jenkins Elementary where our friend Tim unloaded the food for the students. Our church does this every Wednesday, and I am excited to be a part of it. I don't have to get the kids out of the van- just pick up the food outside & drop it off outside- someone is waiting at both places to help. Basically, I'm just the taxi. I often use my kids as an excuse to not volunteer as much as I'd like (and most of the time it is legit), but this opportunity is awesome!!
Hayden doesn't like to leave the house, so as we were getting shoes on & loading up in the van, he kept yelling, "No give those kids food!" It was funny, but sad. It was funny because he is clueless and was being selfish, but sad because I want to foster giving & grateful hearts in my kids. I love that at 2 1/2, I can talk to the twins about giving food to people who don't have food. I love that I can pray with them for the kids we are feeding while we drive. I love that we can thank God for all he has given us. I love showing them at a young age that there are practical needs that we can fill without very much effort at all! I love showing them that our church is making a difference.
My friend Susan gave me a copy of 31 Biblical Virtues to Pray for Your Children last month. Each day of the month, you pray the corresponding number over your kids that day. Today's virtue was GRATITUDE! It says, "Help my children to live lives that are always overflowing with thankfulness and always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." It then references Ephesians 5:20 and Colossians 2:7. I have been praying that big time over my kids today. Two and half is a tough age at times, filled with selfishness and greed. All my "tricks" and advice don't always work, so I'm counting on prayer.
Side note- we are looking for a few more people to help with this taxi service & to help by meeting us at the school to simply unload the bags! Let me know if you'd like to help! We are also partnering with Jenkins to provide more food bags for kids on the waiting list each week. If you'd like to donate a food bag, simply fill a bag with the following items & get them to me!
*Family sized box of cereal
*1 can spaghetti or ravioli (meal in a can)
*1 can vegetables- something kids might eat, not brussel sprouts
*1 individual portion of applesauce (little plastic cups)
*2 bottles of water or real fruit juice
*1 individual bag of chips
*1 individual portion of cookies (must be store bought)
Here are the virtues if you'd like to copy, paste, print, & pray these over your kids!
31 Biblical Virtues to Pray for Your Children
by Bob Hostetler
1. Salvation -- “Lord, let salvation spring up within my children, that they may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus, with eternal glory.” (Isa. 45:8; 2 Tim. 2:10)
2. Growth in Grace -- “I pray that my children may grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” (2 Peter 3:18)
3. Love -- “Grant, Lord, that my children may learn to live a life of love, through the Spirit who dwells in them.” (Gal. 5:25; Eph. 5:2)
4. Honesty and Integrity -- “May integrity and honesty be their virtue and their protection.” (Ps. 25:21)
5. Self-Control -- “Father, help my children not to be like many others around them, but let them be alert and self-controlled in all they do.” (1 Thess. 5:6)
6. Love for God’s Word -- “May my children grow to find Your Word more precious than much pure gold and sweeter than honey from the comb.” (Ps. 19:10)
7. Justice -- “God, help my children to love justice as You do and act justly in all they do.” (Ps. 11:7; Mic. 6:8)
8. Mercy -- “May my children always be merciful, just as their Father is merciful.” (Luke 6:36)
9. Respect (for self, others, and authority) -- “Father, grant that my children may show proper respect to everyone, as Your Word commands.” (1 Pet. 2:17)
10. Biblical Self-Esteem -- “Help my children develop a strong self-esteem that is rooted in the realization that they are God‟s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus.” (Eph. 2:10)
11. Faithfulness -- “Let love and faithfulness never leave my children, but bind these twin virtues around their necks and write them on the tablet of their hearts.” (Prov. 3:3)
12. Courage -- “May my children always be strong and courageous in their character and in their actions.” (Deut. 31:6)
13. Purity -- “Create in them a pure heart, O God, and let that purity of heart be shown in their actions.” (Ps. 51:10)
14. Kindness -- “Lord, may my children always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else.” (1 Thess. 5:15)
15. Generosity -- “Grant that my children may be generous and willing to share, and so lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age.” (1 Tim. 6:18-19)
16. Peace-Loving -- “Father, let my children make every effort to do what leads to peace.” (Rom. 14:19)
17. Joy -- “May my children be filled with the joy given by the Holy Spirit.” (1 Thess. 1:6)
18. Perseverance -- “Lord, teach my children perseverance in all they do, and help them especially to run with perseverance the race marked out for them.” (Heb. 12:1)
19. Humility -- “God, please cultivate in my children the ability to show true humility toward all.” (Titus 3:2)
20. Compassion -- “Lord, please clothe my children with the virtue of compassion.” (Col. 3:12)
21. Responsibility -- “Grant that my children may learn responsibility, for each one should carry his own load.” (Gal. 6:5)
22. Contentment -- “Father, teach my children the secret of being content in any and every situation, through Him who gives them strength.” (Phil. 4:12-13)
23. Faith -- “I pray that faith will find root and grow in my children‟s hearts, that by faith they may gain what has been promised to them.” (Luke 17:5-6; Heb. 11:1-40)
24. A Servant’s Heart -- “God, please help my children develop servant‟s hearts, that they may serve wholeheartedly, as if they were serving the Lord, not men.” (Eph. 6:7)
25. Hope -- “May the God of hope grant that my children may overflow with hope and hopefulness by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Rom. 15:13)
26. Willingness and Ability to Work -- “Teach my children, Lord, to value work and to work at it with all their heart, as working for the Lord and not for men.” (Col. 3:23)
27. Passion for God -- “Lord, please instill in my children a soul that „followeth hard after thee,‟ one that clings passionately to You.” (Ps. 63:8)
28. Self-Discipline -- “Father, I pray that my children may acquire a disciplined and prudent life, doing what is right and just and fair.” (Prov. 1:3)
29. Prayerfulness -- “Grant, Lord, that my children‟s lives may be marked by prayerfulness, that they may learn to pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers.” (1 Thess. 5:17)
30. Gratitude -- “Help my children to live lives that are always overflowing with thankfulness and always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Eph. 5:20; Col. 2:7)
31. A Heart for Missions -- “Lord, please help my children to develop a desire to see Your glory declared among the nations, Your marvelous deeds among the peoples.” (Ps. 96:3)
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Wife Wednesday
I have a bad cold and I'm too tired to write a for real blog.
Rob and I went on a road trip Monday. He spoke at JMU's Greek Intervarsity & did an amazing job. I am always amazed by him and his talents. We had a great time on the road trip with lots of uninterrupted time together. We discovered that we have checked off most of the things on our bucket list, so we started new lists. We talked about the best and worst parts of being married to each other. We made out like teenagers. We talked about dream vacations. We drove there and back in one day and realized we aren't spring chickens anymore. We were strugglin'! Ha!
I just love time with Rob. We decided it is the best to be married to our best friend.
Rob and I went on a road trip Monday. He spoke at JMU's Greek Intervarsity & did an amazing job. I am always amazed by him and his talents. We had a great time on the road trip with lots of uninterrupted time together. We discovered that we have checked off most of the things on our bucket list, so we started new lists. We talked about the best and worst parts of being married to each other. We made out like teenagers. We talked about dream vacations. We drove there and back in one day and realized we aren't spring chickens anymore. We were strugglin'! Ha!
I just love time with Rob. We decided it is the best to be married to our best friend.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Twin Tuesday
While we were in California, our dear friends Stacy and Angie played dress up and took photos of the twins. They surprised us with these outfits & pictures for the twins' birthday! Enjoy!
Coolest pic ever.
He's basically a model. Ha.
I love these kids. I love Stacy and Angie. I love how much they love our kids. I love being surprised because I am rarely ever surprised. I also can't believe I have two 2 year olds.
When was the last time you were surprised?
Monday, April 1, 2013
Manic Monday
Much like robshep.com's Mind Dumps, Manic Monday is a snapshot of all the random excitement inside my head.
- What a weekend!
- On Friday, we went to the zoo with just us and the kids. It was so fun and so special. Their favorite moment was when the giraffe started peeing. They thought that was hilarious.
- On Saturday, our sweet twins turned 2! We started the morning at the Bounce House in Williamsburg with Nicole, Jon, Connor, & Brody (aunt, uncle, & cousins). My kids couldn't have been happier to be with them. Jump! Jump! Jump! Is what they kept saying.
- Reese was really scared at first, but finally bounced with Nicole. Hayden went all out, even on the big inflatable slides.
Jumping, tackling, and laughing together!
Daddy and the birthday girl!
- When we got home, they took a great nap. Afterwards, we headed to our friends' Tim & Nancy's house for dinner with lots of other friends from church. It was great!
- Sunday was Easter! It's probably my favorite holiday because it is the most important to our faith. Christmas is great, but my eternity depends on a Savior who wasn't just born, but defeated the grave and conquered death.
- We put together two Easter baskets for the kids with a handful of clearance items collected over the last three months, little trinkets from Christmas from friends & family they never got to, and things literally from their baskets from last year (not food- ha). They also got their first Easter candy- jelly beans, a lollipop, and a chocolate yellow duck! They loved everything!
- They had more sugar this weekend than ever in their life! Besides their party next Saturday, they are done with direct sugar. :) For kids that don't drink juice, they were acting like crack addicts.
- We had our Shepherd family Easter breakfast (minus Uncle Jon b/c he was sick) and it was delicious like always. For someone on Atkins, big breakfasts are great! Omelets, bacon, and ham! I even resisted the biscuits, but did eat two hash browns and a small dessert.
I made Tastefully Simple's Almond Pound Cake which is one of my favorite desserts ever!
- I whipped it up in The Pampered Chef's small batter bowl and baked it in our mini loaf stone pan. Added a dollop of Cool Whip and it was amazing!
- I love that Reese and Hayden get to live nearby at least two of their cousins. Every day I wish that we were all nearby, but I'll take what I can get! Reese and Hayden are mildly obsessed with Connor and Brody. Here's one of my favorite's from yesterday!
- At 6 pm we had our 2nd Easter service at Next Level Church. I can't believe it's been a year! What an amazing year it's been! It was an amazing service and I am honored to be a part of it all.
- After a great weekend, we have an amazing week ahead of us. I love celebrating!
- On Monday, we are taking the kids to my parents for an overnighter while me and Rob head to JMU for him to speak at Intervarsity. We love road trips & they've always been one of our favorite things to do together. We aren't spending the night, but driving home afterwards. It'll be a long but fun night.
- I'll drag myself out of bed Tuesday morning to go get the kids & hope to run some errands.
- Wednesday is our day to spend with Nicole & the boys- always a favorite day!
- Thursday will be birthday party prep day for the twins.
- On Friday, I head to the first bridal shower for Shima in Virginia Beach. I. Can't. Wait.
- On Saturday, we are having the twins' 2nd birthday party. It's a Toy Story theme for obvious reasons! Here's the invite!
I think it is too cute!
- I cannot wait to celebrate with the kids. They are at such a fun age.
- On Sunday, I'm attending a baby shower for my dear friend, Kate, who is having a sweet baby girl! I can't wait!
- My best friend's (Courtney) birthday is this week too! We'll celebrate her Saturday night.
- Party, party, party!
- I need to book some April Pampered Chef shows- let me know if you're interested in hosting a live cooking show or a Facebook show. The host rewards are amazing this week!
What's going on with you this week?
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Thinner Thursday
I'm finally over ten pounds lost and staying there! I am at 11.4 pounds lost. Love it! I've even started adding carbs here and there in small moderation, and I'm not losing control. That might sound crazy to some of you, but not to me. I could eat a whole bag of chips or box of cookies and not think twice. We haven't eaten pizza in 5 weeks. That's the longest Rob has ever gone without pizza. He hasn't had a Chipotle burrito since before our California trip or even had rice in his bowls there. We have no frozen pizza or frozen french fries in our freezer. We've only been out to eat once since last week's blog, and we went to Plaza. I ordered a carb free dinner, but I did have some chips. I'm good with that now. My kids turn two on Saturday. I will have a piece of cake to celebrate that. I'm feeling good about these changes. Now I begin adding exercise!! My goal for this upcoming week is to get in at least two exercise "sessions" whether that is a long walk or a work-out upstairs via DVD. Wish me luck!
Any workout videos/DVDs work for you in the past or now?
Any workout videos/DVDs work for you in the past or now?
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Wife Wednesday
Relationships and buying a used car have a lot in common. You have to ask the right questions before you get in a relationship with a person (and while you are in a relationship) and when you buy a used car. If you don't ask the right questions, there will be surprises that catch you off guard and could cause bitterness. For relationships and the used car, it can be expensive if you don't ask the right questions.
We recently purchased a used van (that I LOVE) from a friend that I also love! We were eager and excited, and we exchanged the necessary & required information. They were wide open with us and answered all of our questions. However, I don't think we asked enough questions or the right questions (they were totally honest & would have answered any questions if we had asked them).
The van needed four new tires and all of its 100,000 mile maintenance work done a week after we bought it. I expected to get an oil change and to buy a 2nd key (it only came with one), but we expected those things because they told us and we asked about it. We did not ask if they had done the 100,000 mile maintenance, so that's on us. It had 107,000 miles on it, but neither of us even thought about it, nor did we research questions that we should ask when buying a used car. We paid for that- $1,600 more dollars to be exact. Were we bummed? Yes. Are we bitter? Heck no! We didn't ask the right questions.
If you are trying to get in a relationship, just starting a relationship, or smack dab in the middle of one, you need to be asking the right questions. You can't be bitter about a relationship gone wrong if YOU didn't ask the right questions or seek advice from those who knew what they were doing.
I love our van and we are doing everything possible to keep it in great condition and running for a very long time. I love Rob and we are doing everything possible to keep our marriage in great condition and running for a very long time! We ask for help when we need it. We ask each other questions all the time. If you don't do these things, you are going to have regrets and surprises (not the good kind!).
What's a good question to ask before getting into a serious relationship? What's a good question to ask your spouse occasionally?
We recently purchased a used van (that I LOVE) from a friend that I also love! We were eager and excited, and we exchanged the necessary & required information. They were wide open with us and answered all of our questions. However, I don't think we asked enough questions or the right questions (they were totally honest & would have answered any questions if we had asked them).
The van needed four new tires and all of its 100,000 mile maintenance work done a week after we bought it. I expected to get an oil change and to buy a 2nd key (it only came with one), but we expected those things because they told us and we asked about it. We did not ask if they had done the 100,000 mile maintenance, so that's on us. It had 107,000 miles on it, but neither of us even thought about it, nor did we research questions that we should ask when buying a used car. We paid for that- $1,600 more dollars to be exact. Were we bummed? Yes. Are we bitter? Heck no! We didn't ask the right questions.
If you are trying to get in a relationship, just starting a relationship, or smack dab in the middle of one, you need to be asking the right questions. You can't be bitter about a relationship gone wrong if YOU didn't ask the right questions or seek advice from those who knew what they were doing.
I love our van and we are doing everything possible to keep it in great condition and running for a very long time. I love Rob and we are doing everything possible to keep our marriage in great condition and running for a very long time! We ask for help when we need it. We ask each other questions all the time. If you don't do these things, you are going to have regrets and surprises (not the good kind!).
What's a good question to ask before getting into a serious relationship? What's a good question to ask your spouse occasionally?
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Twin Tuesday
I've been taking the kids up to the play area at Patrick Henry Mall about once a week. They love it! I've enjoyed meeting new moms and chatting. I have lots of thoughts while I'm there. Mostly, I feel bad for several of the kids. I never get annoyed with the other children; I get annoyed with their mothers. There should be two separate play areas- one for parents who are actually going to tend to their kids and one for parents who are going to play on their I-phones or talk to their friends (nothing wrong with either of those things ever) but with blatant disregard to the behavior of their children.
I'm not hovering around my kids because I'm nervous they will fall down or go "bonk" as they like to call it. I'm hovering because other kids push them, hit them, and bully their way around the tiny play area with no correction from their mother (never been in there with a dad), and I would never want them to do those things to start with or in return.
This past week there were about 13 moms in there (more crowded than I've ever seen), and only two other moms who were actively parenting. At one point, my new mommy friend literally lifted up a child in the air (who was wearing pjs and had a nasty poopy diaper the WHOLE time we were there) and asked loudly, "Whose child is this?" I tried so hard not to laugh out loud at her solution to the problem, but the kid was literally sitting at the top of the slide pushing children back down the steps. When he pushed my new mommy friend's kid, it was her breaking point. Before that we were kind of looking around wondering who he belonged to & taking care of the crying children he was pushing. NO ONE ELSE SEEMED TO CARE.
My new mommy friend told the poopy diaper kid's mom what he was doing, and the poopy diaper kid's mom took him from my new mommy friend and yelled at him. She proceeded to put him back down (she HAD to smell that poop) and he ran off and started playing crazy again. Poopy diaper kid's mom returned to her two friends.
There was a fourth mom making an attempt with her child, who was HUGE....not fat, but the tallest and broadest three year old ever. He ran around that place like a football player seriously pushing all kids out of the way. Reese got so scared every time he came near her and would try to get me to hold her (granted she's a little more wussy than other kids I know). Every time he charged up the slide stairs, literally pushing kids aside, his mom said (on repeat), "Wait your turn! Wait your turn! Ok, go ahead I guess." Every. Time. She was doing the best she knew how though, so I don't judge that. It's kind of laughable now.
Please hear me- I do not think that I am a perfect parent, or near perfect. I know I miss my kid's bad behavior at times and sometimes even think it's funny. I do however try very hard to avoid this in public and when other kids are involved. I just don't think it's that hard if you are consistent. Until then, I'll keep going back to the mall because the twins love it and it's indoors amidst this nasty weather. I will keep my judgy thoughts in my head there and help when I can. I'll try to meet new moms and invest in them as best I can.
Any funny/crazy behavior stories? Any places you avoid because your blood pressure can't stand it?
I'm not hovering around my kids because I'm nervous they will fall down or go "bonk" as they like to call it. I'm hovering because other kids push them, hit them, and bully their way around the tiny play area with no correction from their mother (never been in there with a dad), and I would never want them to do those things to start with or in return.
This past week there were about 13 moms in there (more crowded than I've ever seen), and only two other moms who were actively parenting. At one point, my new mommy friend literally lifted up a child in the air (who was wearing pjs and had a nasty poopy diaper the WHOLE time we were there) and asked loudly, "Whose child is this?" I tried so hard not to laugh out loud at her solution to the problem, but the kid was literally sitting at the top of the slide pushing children back down the steps. When he pushed my new mommy friend's kid, it was her breaking point. Before that we were kind of looking around wondering who he belonged to & taking care of the crying children he was pushing. NO ONE ELSE SEEMED TO CARE.
My new mommy friend told the poopy diaper kid's mom what he was doing, and the poopy diaper kid's mom took him from my new mommy friend and yelled at him. She proceeded to put him back down (she HAD to smell that poop) and he ran off and started playing crazy again. Poopy diaper kid's mom returned to her two friends.
There was a fourth mom making an attempt with her child, who was HUGE....not fat, but the tallest and broadest three year old ever. He ran around that place like a football player seriously pushing all kids out of the way. Reese got so scared every time he came near her and would try to get me to hold her (granted she's a little more wussy than other kids I know). Every time he charged up the slide stairs, literally pushing kids aside, his mom said (on repeat), "Wait your turn! Wait your turn! Ok, go ahead I guess." Every. Time. She was doing the best she knew how though, so I don't judge that. It's kind of laughable now.
Please hear me- I do not think that I am a perfect parent, or near perfect. I know I miss my kid's bad behavior at times and sometimes even think it's funny. I do however try very hard to avoid this in public and when other kids are involved. I just don't think it's that hard if you are consistent. Until then, I'll keep going back to the mall because the twins love it and it's indoors amidst this nasty weather. I will keep my judgy thoughts in my head there and help when I can. I'll try to meet new moms and invest in them as best I can.
Any funny/crazy behavior stories? Any places you avoid because your blood pressure can't stand it?
Monday, March 25, 2013
Manic Monday
Much like robshep.com's Mind Dumps, Manic Monday is a snapshot of all the random excitement inside my head.
- Courtney asked me to be her co-maid of honor (with Lindsey, duh), and I couldn't be happier!
Have I mentioned I had a big wedding??
- This means I am a maid of honor (won't call it matron of honor even though I'm married b/c it sounds old!) in two weddings this year! Shima's in May and Courtney's in November. Both are with women who have made my life better, both weddings are on the water, and both are going to be epic!!
- Shima's wedding will fulfill all my wedding duties to my bridesmaids above. I was Jen's maid of honor, Amy, Johanna, Kim, Susan, and Allison's bridesmaid, and I did a reading in Marie's. At the end of 2013 I will have been: a flower girl once, a maid of honor three times, a bridesmaid 6 times, did a reading in one, and was mistress of ceremonies for another. Oh yeah, I was a bride once! I think I've run the whole circle! I've had lots of dresses. :)
- What an honor!! Seriously- dresses, gifts, flights, showers, etc are so worth it when you love these people as much as I do!
- Another fun fact- Rob "married" three of my bridesmaids and many more of my friends. I love it. He is marrying Shima and Courtney (not to each other) which is also awesome!
- PS- Our twin ring bearers from our wedding have their licenses now. We are old. One of the flower girls is in college.
- AT&T's commercials with the guy and the kids- all of them- are hysterical. They never get old to me. "Hold on, I'm watching this." HA! I refuse to believe they are scripted.
- On Friday night we had Kyle & Courtney's engagement party- so exciting!
- On Saturday I hosted an open house with my friend Crystal who sells Tastefully Simply. We partnered our business, sold stuff, booked shows, and had give-aways! So much fun! If you weren't able to make it, there's still time for all of those things!
- I'm also doing a Pampered Chef raffle. You can buy a ticket for $5.00 and be entered to win a $150.00 shopping spree!
- On Sunday we celebrated our nephew's, Connor, birthday at Chuck-E-Cheese. It was the twins' first trip there and it was successful! Reese fell in love with the mouse (Chuck E.) and Hayden was thrilled to give him a high five. Hayden loved playing basketball with his daddy, and he especially loved putting the tokens into the machines.
- We didn't have church service last night because we hosted the homeless for the night. Our building actually hosted them for a week, but Sunday was our night. We fed them hot dogs and chili with fixins and played games and hung out with them. It was powerful for our volunteers! So glad they had a place to get out of all that crazy snow!
- This is the last week of having two one year olds! Sniff, sniff!
- Do you have a church to attend on Easter? If not, you should totally come check out Next Level Church! 6:00 pm- you have plenty of time for Easter brunch or lunch, Easter egg hunts, and a nap!
Do you have any Easter plans or traditions?
Friday, March 22, 2013
The Pampered Shepherd
I'm hosting an open house this Saturday with my good friend Crystal, who sells Tastefully Simple! We are making her delicious foods in our fantastic products. I can't wait. There won't be a cooking show; it is a rolling open house. Come hang out with people, sample foods, and play some games! Everyone is invited- bring a friend!!
We are both playing a 30 boxes raffle, but you can play even if you aren't there! For $5.00, you can buy one box that enters you in a raffle to win a shopping spree. You can buy a box (or more) from The Pampered Chef or Tastefully Simple. Numbers will be chosen at random to select the winners!
We are both playing a 30 boxes raffle, but you can play even if you aren't there! For $5.00, you can buy one box that enters you in a raffle to win a shopping spree. You can buy a box (or more) from The Pampered Chef or Tastefully Simple. Numbers will be chosen at random to select the winners!

For The Pampered Chef, the first "box" or number chosen will win a $150 shopping spree!

The second winner can purchase one of our March host specials at 60% off!

Read above for Tastefully Simple's raffle!

I'm going to enter this one for sure!

I will have all of our new PINK products on display! These are available to guests in May only and $1.00 for every pink product sold goes straight to the American Cancer Society. LOVE this!
Can you stop by Saturday?? 802 Erskine Street Hampton, VA 23666
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Thinner Thursday
I am getting more used to our new lifestyle. I'll never be 100% satisfied until I've hit my goal weight, I'm exercising regularly, and can eat a roll here and there. :) I am down ten pounds from my start weight weighing in at 214.6.
Here are my big milestones from the last week:
We ate lunch at Taste Unlimited on Friday which is one of my favorite places. It's a sandwich shop with the best french bread ever. I got a Cobb salad. I passed the test. That night we went to Texas Roadhouse, and when we were being seated, we told the hostess, "No rolls, please!". Passed another test. It got worse! Our waitress brought a basket of hot rolls and said she noticed we didn't get any rolls, and we stood strong. We told her to take them back! Woohoo! Passed another test.
On Sunday, we went to Cheddar's to celebrate my brother-in-law's birthday. Have you had their spinach dip or croissants?? Said no to both. Passed my croissant down the table. Dang. Passed another test. This might not be a big deal to you, but it is to me. I need these type of serious boundaries for my own self-control. It is working for me for now.
I know people are anti-fad diets; I get it. This is what I know. My husband and I are holding each other accountable longer than we ever have. I am cooking healthier. I make asparagus almost once a week. We eat a salad every day. Broccoli is normal for us now, french fries are not. His mom buys us low carb ice cream bars so we aren't totally losing our minds. I had chips at Plaza in moderation. We ate a piece of cake with normal ice cream on Jon's birthday. We can do that OCCASIONALLY at this point because we are so disciplined outside of that. We want this for us and for our children. Also, I'm a maid of honor in two weddings this year- time to get sexy.
Have you ever eaten a beef stick? They are weird but a necessary snack for me these days. Ha.
Here are my big milestones from the last week:
We ate lunch at Taste Unlimited on Friday which is one of my favorite places. It's a sandwich shop with the best french bread ever. I got a Cobb salad. I passed the test. That night we went to Texas Roadhouse, and when we were being seated, we told the hostess, "No rolls, please!". Passed another test. It got worse! Our waitress brought a basket of hot rolls and said she noticed we didn't get any rolls, and we stood strong. We told her to take them back! Woohoo! Passed another test.
On Sunday, we went to Cheddar's to celebrate my brother-in-law's birthday. Have you had their spinach dip or croissants?? Said no to both. Passed my croissant down the table. Dang. Passed another test. This might not be a big deal to you, but it is to me. I need these type of serious boundaries for my own self-control. It is working for me for now.
I know people are anti-fad diets; I get it. This is what I know. My husband and I are holding each other accountable longer than we ever have. I am cooking healthier. I make asparagus almost once a week. We eat a salad every day. Broccoli is normal for us now, french fries are not. His mom buys us low carb ice cream bars so we aren't totally losing our minds. I had chips at Plaza in moderation. We ate a piece of cake with normal ice cream on Jon's birthday. We can do that OCCASIONALLY at this point because we are so disciplined outside of that. We want this for us and for our children. Also, I'm a maid of honor in two weddings this year- time to get sexy.
Have you ever eaten a beef stick? They are weird but a necessary snack for me these days. Ha.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Wife Wednesday
On Monday, I mentioned that the kids spent the night at my parents' house on Friday night which gave us a date day. We loved it!
We ate lunch at Taste Unlimited for FREE with a gift card and stuck to our diet. It was nice to be alone. After lunch we ran a few errands and just enjoyed our uninterrupted time together. I love laughing with Rob. As a bonus, I was crossing things off of my to-do list! We headed to a matinee movie to save money and we saw Oz. You can read Rob's review here. Rob had some AMC gift card money left from Christmas- win! Bonus- we shared a free Coke Zero from his reward card. In case you haven't noticed, I love FREE!
We went to dinner at Texas Roadhouse (and actually paid for that- boo!). Ha. We ran some more errands and headed home. Since we had been out all day long, we stayed in that night and relaxed. We slept in Saturday and I ran oodles of more errands that I'd been putting off while Rob had a work breakfast. I dropped tons of stuff off at the consignment shop and got paid $128.00- yahoo! Back to the wife stuff- we were super excited to pick the kids up Saturday after our 24 hour kid free date! It's shocking how refreshing a night's sleep is without the monitor on. 9 out of 10 nights they sleep all night, but something about waking up and peeking at the monitor to make sure is instinct.
Spending time with Rob got me out of my funk from last week and gave me so much energy for the kids. Granted that energy runs out after 3 days straight with them, but I wouldn't change a thing! I hope my kids learn that mommy and daddy's relationship comes first, and that they see a healthy marriage modeled for them. I hope Rob knows that he comes first, then the kids. It's not always easy as two 2 year olds are rather demanding, but it is necessary. (Side note- I am thankful for our family being close & how much they help us. I don't take that for granted for a second!)
What did you do on your last date?
We ate lunch at Taste Unlimited for FREE with a gift card and stuck to our diet. It was nice to be alone. After lunch we ran a few errands and just enjoyed our uninterrupted time together. I love laughing with Rob. As a bonus, I was crossing things off of my to-do list! We headed to a matinee movie to save money and we saw Oz. You can read Rob's review here. Rob had some AMC gift card money left from Christmas- win! Bonus- we shared a free Coke Zero from his reward card. In case you haven't noticed, I love FREE!
We went to dinner at Texas Roadhouse (and actually paid for that- boo!). Ha. We ran some more errands and headed home. Since we had been out all day long, we stayed in that night and relaxed. We slept in Saturday and I ran oodles of more errands that I'd been putting off while Rob had a work breakfast. I dropped tons of stuff off at the consignment shop and got paid $128.00- yahoo! Back to the wife stuff- we were super excited to pick the kids up Saturday after our 24 hour kid free date! It's shocking how refreshing a night's sleep is without the monitor on. 9 out of 10 nights they sleep all night, but something about waking up and peeking at the monitor to make sure is instinct.
Spending time with Rob got me out of my funk from last week and gave me so much energy for the kids. Granted that energy runs out after 3 days straight with them, but I wouldn't change a thing! I hope my kids learn that mommy and daddy's relationship comes first, and that they see a healthy marriage modeled for them. I hope Rob knows that he comes first, then the kids. It's not always easy as two 2 year olds are rather demanding, but it is necessary. (Side note- I am thankful for our family being close & how much they help us. I don't take that for granted for a second!)
What did you do on your last date?
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Twin Tuesday
11 days until my twins turn two! I'm so excited! We have especially loved the last six months as they have grown and are coming into their own, and we can't wait for the next year. Yay for no more babies- ha! After the party comes potty training and then we'll be officially baby free, right??
We are having a Toy Story themed party, and I can't wait! Their actual birthday is the 30th, but because of Easter weekend and other madness, we bumped their party back to the 6th. Here is their super cute invite! (Disclaimer- If you want to come to the party, come- we don't mind!)
We are having a Toy Story themed party, and I can't wait! Their actual birthday is the 30th, but because of Easter weekend and other madness, we bumped their party back to the 6th. Here is their super cute invite! (Disclaimer- If you want to come to the party, come- we don't mind!)
I think it is stinkin adorable! My friend Kim made them each a cute Toy Story shirt and I'm making all the snacks Toy Story themed. Thanks Etsy and Pinterest! Also, thanks to my Pampered Chef income for paying for all the little odds and ends.
My mom used to make all of our cakes growing up, and I loved them! I can't wait to see their cake.
Did you have any themed parties when you were a kid or for your kids? Which was your favorite?
Monday, March 18, 2013
Manic Monday
Much like robshep.com's Mind Dumps, Manic Monday is a snapshot of all the random excitement inside my head.
- I have a confession. I don't really like Chick-fil-a. I go when I have to. I realize I'm in the minority. I'm ok with that. I respect their sweet tea and I do love their ice dream cups with sprinkles. While I'm at it, I prefer Dunkin Donuts over Krispy Kreme. There. I've said it.
- I could also never eat chocolate again and be completely fine. Seriously. I love vanilla ice cream, yellow cake, and all sorts of other things. I'd take Skittles and Jelly Beans every day over chocolate.
- Enough about food- I can't even eat any of that stuff right now, so let's move on!!!
- I had a great week with Pampered Chef- closed 4 shows in two weeks and made some serious money! I still love it and can't wait to see what else is in store.
- The kids spent the night at my parents' house on Friday night per their (my parents, not the kids) request, so that was a special treat! We used a Taste Unlimited gift card to eat out for lunch (got a Cobb salad), went to see a movie (Oz) with a gift card left over from Christmas, ran some errands together, and then had dinner at Texas Roadhouse. I had a steak and didn't eat any rolls! What, what??
- Lately, I've been hearing some heart-breaking stories of acquaintances' and friends' marriages. I've said on my Wife Wednesday blogs before that we are not above problems or what these people are going through, so there is definitely no judgment, just sadness. I've been praying and praying for healthy marriages for my friends. I'm praying for restoration and strength for them, and that God would move HUGE. I'm praying the same thing for our marriage, too!
- I've self-diagnosed myself with plantar fasciitis in my left heel. It hurts so bad, especially when I get up in the morning or if I've been sitting for a while. I've been doing some good stretches and wearing sneakers whenever I can (not easy for me at all), and it felt pretty good yesterday. I'm going to e-mail my doctor today to try and get it looked at.
- I'm reading Gospel: Recovering the Power that Made Christianity Revolutionary for our small group right now. It is fantastic. I highly recommend it no matter where you are spiritually.
- I'm also reading Shepherding a Child's Heart with my sister-in-law, Nicole, and we are enjoying it. I feel like sometimes it takes him a little longer to get to a point, but it has lots of really great points for being a better parent (for me personally).
- Loving Amazing Race right now, and I am so excited that Dancing With the Stars begins tonight! Not thrilled about the line-up of stars and professionals, but I'm sure I'll pick a favorite soon! I'll tell you what I've not been thrilled about- American Idol! I like a couple of the girls, but none of the guys. Not a fan of the judges- specifically the females.
- Rob's heading to Russia in June with some fantastic people from our church to work in orphanages. Here's his blog with more information about it. Here's where you can go to help!
- He has to raise $3,500 total and only has $120 with about 55 days to go. We are trusting God. Most of the money goes to the flight over there.
- It's going to stink being apart for ten days, especially for the kids, but I am so excited for what he's going to do over there.
What's going on with you these days?
Friday, March 15, 2013
The Pampered Shepherd
Blog Alert: Last week was a long week for me. I'm feeling some stress and a little bit overwhelmed, which are rare feelings for me. In an effort to be careful with my time, this week's blogs will be one sentence each. Enjoy.
I have already submitted two shows this month, which means I get all of the "Help Whip Cancer" products FOR FREE, plus my normal commission and other goodies. (Extra sentences- Hosts in May can get the batter bowl set with pink lids for 60% off and all guests can buy the pink products, plus PC donates $1.00 to the American Cancer Society for every pink product sold! Book your party and/or fundraiser today!)
I have already submitted two shows this month, which means I get all of the "Help Whip Cancer" products FOR FREE, plus my normal commission and other goodies. (Extra sentences- Hosts in May can get the batter bowl set with pink lids for 60% off and all guests can buy the pink products, plus PC donates $1.00 to the American Cancer Society for every pink product sold! Book your party and/or fundraiser today!)
Who doesn't want a pink knife??
Want to book your party for May? Message me!
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Thinner Thursday
Blog Alert: Last week was a long week for me. I'm feeling some stress and a little bit overwhelmed, which are rare feelings for me. In an effort to be careful with my time, this week's blogs will be one sentence each. Enjoy.
I am down 9 pounds total, and the hardest (but most proud moment) of this week was when we went on a double date to Olive Garden, and I didn't eat a single bread stick or get any pasta.
If you could eat any meal in the world and it would be calorie free, what would you eat?
I am down 9 pounds total, and the hardest (but most proud moment) of this week was when we went on a double date to Olive Garden, and I didn't eat a single bread stick or get any pasta.
If you could eat any meal in the world and it would be calorie free, what would you eat?
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Wife Wednesday
Blog Alert: Last week was a long week for me. I'm feeling some stress and a little bit overwhelmed, which are rare feelings for me. In an effort to be careful with my time, this week's blogs will be one sentence each. Enjoy.
For whatever reason (I 98% blame the carb withdrawal), I was grumpy Friday and Saturday and didn't feel like I was clicking with Rob as normal; I'm glad he is patient with me.
How do you get out of a funk?
For whatever reason (I 98% blame the carb withdrawal), I was grumpy Friday and Saturday and didn't feel like I was clicking with Rob as normal; I'm glad he is patient with me.
How do you get out of a funk?
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Twin Tuesday
Blog Alert: Last week was a long week for me. I'm feeling some stress and a little bit overwhelmed, which are rare feelings for me. In an effort to be careful with my time, this week's blogs will be one sentence each. Enjoy.
Our dear friends, Jamey and Carlyn, have a new baby boy named Wyatt, whom I was finally able to meet on Friday; however, Reese got super jealous and possessive and had to sit with me and the baby- ha!
What is your favorite thing about babies? I like surprise smiles.
Our dear friends, Jamey and Carlyn, have a new baby boy named Wyatt, whom I was finally able to meet on Friday; however, Reese got super jealous and possessive and had to sit with me and the baby- ha!
What is your favorite thing about babies? I like surprise smiles.
Getting his toes!
Baby Wyatt's Blue Steel look.
Monday, March 11, 2013
Manic Monday
Much like robshep.com's Mind Dumps, Manic Monday is a snapshot of all the random excitement inside my head.
Blog Alert: Last week was a long week for me. I'm feeling some stress and a little bit overwhelmed, which are rare feelings for me. In an effort to be careful with my time, this week's blogs will be one sentence each. Enjoy.
Blog Alert: Last week was a long week for me. I'm feeling some stress and a little bit overwhelmed, which are rare feelings for me. In an effort to be careful with my time, this week's blogs will be one sentence each. Enjoy.
- My favorite things from this past week included driving around in my new to us minivan, spending time with Nicole, Brody, and Connor, a playdate with Alicia and her boys, a visit with my parents, doing a Pampered Chef cooking show for my friend Alicia, getting my PC paycheck, a double date with Courtney and Kyle, and eating dinner over at The Reeves' house!
What was the best part of your week?
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Thinner Thursday
I am down seven pounds thanks to Atkins! I know it isn't super duper healthy to lose that much in one week, but when I cut carbs it works. I haven't had a headache all week because I haven't had any wheat. I'm convinced I have some sort of wheat allergy. I'm not hungry all the time like when I start counting calories because I'm eating so much protein.
Our dinners have changed from frozen pizza to salads, grilled chicken, and asparagus. I'm very proud to announce I have made steamed broccoli many times and conquered some tasty asparagus last night! I'm thankful for my Pampered Chef products (not a plug at all) because they make cooking these veggies fast, easy, and tasty! The hardest part for me is not popping goldfish and Cheez-its when I'm getting the kids snacks ready, or eating the last few bites of their sandwich or pizzas- bad mommy habits!
Our grocery bill is higher though- that's the worse part. Our cart at Costco was hilarious- so many eggs, chicken breasts, rotisserie chickens, bacon, cheese, etc.
My favorite marinade for grilled chicken- 3 tbsp olive oil, 1 juiced lemon, 2 freshly pressed garlic cloves, 1 tsp salt, 1/4 tsp black pepper, 1/2 tsp basil, and 2 chicken breasts. Let it marinate overnight. Grill away. So delicious alone, on a salad, or in the past- over pasta!
Do you have a great marinade to share?
Our dinners have changed from frozen pizza to salads, grilled chicken, and asparagus. I'm very proud to announce I have made steamed broccoli many times and conquered some tasty asparagus last night! I'm thankful for my Pampered Chef products (not a plug at all) because they make cooking these veggies fast, easy, and tasty! The hardest part for me is not popping goldfish and Cheez-its when I'm getting the kids snacks ready, or eating the last few bites of their sandwich or pizzas- bad mommy habits!
Our grocery bill is higher though- that's the worse part. Our cart at Costco was hilarious- so many eggs, chicken breasts, rotisserie chickens, bacon, cheese, etc.
My favorite marinade for grilled chicken- 3 tbsp olive oil, 1 juiced lemon, 2 freshly pressed garlic cloves, 1 tsp salt, 1/4 tsp black pepper, 1/2 tsp basil, and 2 chicken breasts. Let it marinate overnight. Grill away. So delicious alone, on a salad, or in the past- over pasta!
Do you have a great marinade to share?
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Wife Wednesday
I'm thankful for Rob.
I'm thankful that he reads his Bible every day. I'm thankful that, on days he can, he gets the kids up, dressed, and feeds them breakfast so that I can take a shower, get dressed, and do my make-up. I'm thankful he is keeping us accountable while we eat lots of man meat aka Atkins. I'm thankful he works so hard every day to provide for our family and to minister to others. I'm thankful he is passionate about what he loves and I'm included in that. I'm thankful that he started Next Level Church out of obedience. I'm thankful that when he walks in the door after work that he starts chasing the kids without missing a beat. I'm thankful that our kids ask for daddy all day because he is such a great daddy. I'm thankful that he always supports me, even when I'm peddling kitchen products. I'm thankful that we eat dinners at home together, watch tv together, and laugh together.
He's my favorite.
Who are you thankful for?
I'm thankful that he reads his Bible every day. I'm thankful that, on days he can, he gets the kids up, dressed, and feeds them breakfast so that I can take a shower, get dressed, and do my make-up. I'm thankful he is keeping us accountable while we eat lots of man meat aka Atkins. I'm thankful he works so hard every day to provide for our family and to minister to others. I'm thankful he is passionate about what he loves and I'm included in that. I'm thankful that he started Next Level Church out of obedience. I'm thankful that when he walks in the door after work that he starts chasing the kids without missing a beat. I'm thankful that our kids ask for daddy all day because he is such a great daddy. I'm thankful that he always supports me, even when I'm peddling kitchen products. I'm thankful that we eat dinners at home together, watch tv together, and laugh together.
He's my favorite.
Who are you thankful for?
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Twin Tuesday
We have a new member of our family!!!! Since I can't get pregnant without paying a bazillion dollars and we won't ever own a pet- you guessed it- it's a van!
Along with the 386 other reasons I love the van, we were able to pay cash for it, which means NO car payment. We are big advocates of no debt, and that is why it took two years to get a car that "fits" our family better. Buying it from Allison also gave us a reason to see each other- win, win!
The van made it on Twin Tuesday's blog because it is ultimately for the twins. I can't wait to drive it, and we hope to use it to be a blessing to others somehow too!
Here are some pics of the twins from this week in case you feel as though you were jipped on Twin Tuesday! Ha!
2007 Honda Odyssey
While it's not a new car, it is new to US! One of my dear friends, Allison, messaged me to let me know they were selling their van and wanted to let me know before they posted it. We hadn't had a chance to really look at lots or at vans to see what exactly we wanted, so I told her to go ahead and post it. After one day of looking around actual car lots and on-line, I messaged her back and asked if it was still available! Yippee!
Since the twins came home from the hospital, we've been crammed in a Honda Civic. Their double stroller takes up the ENTIRE trunk, so I often have to choose between groceries or a stroller. Even this past weekend, we went to Costco and forgot to take out the stroller. We were piling boxes and groceries in every open spot. Don't even get me started if we travel somewhere for the night. Even just driving to my parents for one day a week- by the time I have the stroller, their nap time stuff, their food bag, and diaper bag- we are fully loaded. No one could ever ride with us either. Courtney and my mom each braved the "middle" seat between the car seats over the last two years and it was dangerous!
We haven't started driving it around yet because it's going to take me a couple days to get the tags (NOT taking the kids with me to DMV) and switch over the insurance, but I figure we've waited two years- what's two more days!
Along with the 386 other reasons I love the van, we were able to pay cash for it, which means NO car payment. We are big advocates of no debt, and that is why it took two years to get a car that "fits" our family better. Buying it from Allison also gave us a reason to see each other- win, win!
The van made it on Twin Tuesday's blog because it is ultimately for the twins. I can't wait to drive it, and we hope to use it to be a blessing to others somehow too!
Here are some pics of the twins from this week in case you feel as though you were jipped on Twin Tuesday! Ha!
Playing with balloons at their great-grandma's assisted living home.
While we were playing in their room, Reese found her sunglasses and an old Laker pacifier (they didn't even really use those things), and she thought it was hilarious!
I baked a practice cake for some friends for an upcoming Pampered Chef show, and Reese was helping me cook! It's one of their favorite things to do!
Jumping on the couch! Endless entertainment. They also walk up to me and say "Hold you?" when they want me to hold them, and who can resist that??
Monday, March 4, 2013
Manic Monday
Much like robshep.com's Mind Dumps, Manic Monday is a snapshot of all the random excitement inside my head.
- My new favorite dress is from Target! I love it so much I got two! You should check it out, plus they have oodles of colors. One of the two that I bought has pockets! I love pockets on a dress!
This is what I wore on Ellen with a purple cardigan~ super flattering for curvy girls! I also bought it in teal and charcoal gray stripes; no belt; has pockets. I think they are flattering on all body types!
- I am in the process of planning a bridal shower for my bestest friend ever, Shima. The shower is May 5th and her wedding is May 18th! She lives in California, so we have to do what we have to do. In the age of Pinterest, there is some pressure for it to be cute and clever and classy all at once. Here goes nothing!
- My twins turn 2 this month. 2! That's a whole 'nother blog for a Twin Tuesday! I'm also in the process of planning their 2nd birthday party which will have a Toy Story theme- shocker! I've found some cute, simple ideas to make it fun. I struggle with invitations because so many people love the kids and we'd love to have EVERYONE come, but it's just not possible. And I never want people to think we want them there for a gift because the kids don't need ANYTHING else! Trying to figure out where to have it- need to decide asap to get the invitations done.
- Parties, parties, parties!
- I have another cooking show this Thursday, and I am super excited! Finalizing the menu and excited to connect with some new women and catch up with old friends!
- We are in the early stages of trying to work out a short sale with a house! Here's a picture!
Not sure about the gray checkerboard door and garage!
- We would appreciate if you would pray for wisdom, favor, and protection for us and this house! It's in Hampton, near our family, close to the interstate, and more space than we could ever afford if it wasn't for the short sale. The bad part is that it needs new EVERYTHING- roof, windows, heating/ac, hot water heater, appliances, paint from top to bottom, carpet, fence, etc. With all of those "fix it ups" added to the cost, it keeps the house within our budget though, so we are just praying for wisdom, favor, and protection! I pull in the driveway almost everyday to pray over the house & I'm hoping for the best!
- On our flights to California we had some funny/weird/annoying things happen that I felt like sharing.
- The girl one row up to the right kept staring at us. It was uncomfortable. I guess I was sort of staring at her because I kept making eye contact, but I mean she was turned. Super weird.
- The three women behind us started off as strangers and ended up best friends by the time we landed in California. They exchanged life stories, loudly, and it was cute, but loud. One of them was obsessed with Charming Charlie's which seemed strange to me. She should have been their marketing director.
- The flight attendants and pilot kept telling us that we were experiencing "unstable air". Apparently this phrase has replaced turbulence, but they said unstable air a lot. It was quite bumpy. Turbulence has never been scary to me until I had kids. It made me nervous.
- We had the song "Ironic" by Alanis Morissette stuck in our heads. Especially the line, "Mr. Play It Safe was afraid to fly. He packed his suitcase and kissed his kids goodbye. He waited his whole darn life to take that flight, and as the plane crashed down he thought, 'Well, isn't this nice.' And isn't it ironic....don't you think?"
- When we landed at LAX, I couldn't stop singing Miley Cyrus's song, "Party in the USA"! It's so much fun to this day, and she says she hopped off the plane at LAX with a dream and a cardigan! (Lame lyrics, but I was at LAX and wearing a cardigan!)
- Courtney and I caught up on the Bachelor while flying for hours upon hours!
7. For having 5 total flights, we had really good luck. No delays, no lost luggage, no crazy weirdos, loud children, and smelly people.
Do you have any crazy airline travel stories? What's the best party you've ever been to?
Friday, March 1, 2013
The Pampered Shepherd
I love Fridays! Rob is off from work, so it is our first day of the weekend (he works on Sundays). I especially love this Friday because it starts a new month! March means we celebrate my brother-in-law's birthday, my nephew's birthday, and my twin's birthdays! I've said before that my Pampered Chef income doesn't supplement our budget- it allows for extras. Extra presents and a 2nd birthday party for my babies! It helped with our trip to California last week and will continue to help our family do "extras"! Here are some things you should know about March and Pampered Chef:
1. My friend, Meara, won the contest to name my Pampered Chef blog & fan page on Facebook. She deemed it "The Pampered Shepherd" and I love it! She is going to win a Pampered Chef product from me! (Meara, I will bring it Saturday when we come for dinner!)
2. March means the reveal for our 46 new Spring products for Pampered Chef in a NEW catalog!
I was lucky enough to get a bunch of them early, and I am obsessed with most of them! Here are a few of my favorites-
1. My friend, Meara, won the contest to name my Pampered Chef blog & fan page on Facebook. She deemed it "The Pampered Shepherd" and I love it! She is going to win a Pampered Chef product from me! (Meara, I will bring it Saturday when we come for dinner!)
2. March means the reveal for our 46 new Spring products for Pampered Chef in a NEW catalog!
I was lucky enough to get a bunch of them early, and I am obsessed with most of them! Here are a few of my favorites-
As you know, we are doing Atkins, so this baby helps HUGE. You also know I have twins, and this is a time saver! You can do scrambled, fried, or poached in the microwave. Crack one egg in each well and microwave for 55 seconds- perfect! See mine below (pre-Atkins hence the toast)!
The boil over no more comes in two sizes and has been a life saver for the kids' mac and cheese "incidents"! Ha. Those little flower petals pop the boiling bubbles and then drains it back into the pan. No mess! Plus, it doubles as a microwave splatter guard- flip it over and place it over whatever you are reheating in the microwave and save yourself some clean-up!
I think this cook book is going to be a huge hit!
3. We have great specials in March for the hosts and the guests! Check it out~
These are amazing deals and I'm secretly hoping one of my hosts doesn't get one so I can get another as I use all of these so much!
The bar board is perfect for every day tasks of slicing cheese, cutting apples, and other small jobs. The flexible cutting mats are also dishwasher safe, but bend to a funnel shape to slide all your cut up food right into your recipe.
4. Cookbook for a Cause is bundled for March only- two cookbooks for $5.00 and it goes to an amazing cause! Only during March, guests can purchase volumes 2 and 3 for $5.00 total. For every bundle purchased, The Pampered Chef contributes $2.00 to Feeding America which provides 16 meals to a person in need! In each cookbook there are 20 favorite recipes from 17 stars of hit TLC shows! You should try Clinton Kelly's Cream Puffs!
5. I'm having an open house to kick off the Spring products on March 23rd from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm with my good friend, Crystal, who sells Tastefully Simple. It will be a rolling open house with oodles of products displayed featuring both Pampered Chef and Tastefully Simple recipes. There will be games and drawings and free food! More details to follow!
Let me know if you'd like the new Spring catalog to browse! I'll get you one asap!
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Thinner Thursday
I am exactly the same weight as last Thursday! I have zero problem with that as I went to Los Angeles for four days and ate things like this:
I only ate one, but had a hard time choosing which flavor.
Mine is the eclair down front. It was called a cream filled, so I was picturing a round Boston Cream- nope. It was the best donut I've ever had. No regrets.
We did make great choices when possible. I ate a few yummy salads here and there, but when you eat dinner at the basketball arena and In N Out fast food, you are limited. We did some walking as well. Specifically, we did some walking on Saturday when we couldn't remember what side street we parked our rental van. It was awful and hilarious all at once. Dan thought it was one way and the girls disagreed, so we split up by gender. GIRLS WON! Then we had to wait at the van for a while for the guys to get there because they had the keys. Laughable now.
Back to thinner Thursday.....Starting on Monday we went back to the world of Atkins and it is working for us. Rob thinks it makes breath smell bad, but I haven't noticed it yet. We have gum to save us! On Wednesday night he snacked on Pork Rinds which was gross to me! We are sticking to eggs, grilled chicken, big salads, and cheese. I'm afraid we will get tired of our options faster than we should, so I'm going to need some chicken ideas that don't involve carbs!
Here we go Atkins!
Do you have a fantastic low carb meal to suggest for us?
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