We woke up around 7:00 a.m. and headed downstairs to play with our new dog from Grandma and Grandpa Brownell. It walks and barks and pants. Closest thing they'll have to a real dog!
While I made breakfast, they held on tight to my legs...not because they are clingy- they were hungry!
Daddy was eating Apple Jacks and we like to share with him!
Morning snack time with Teddy Grahams! Reese doesn't like to eat them if I hand them to her. She prefers to reach in and grab them herself. Miss Independent!
Reese and Connor hit the pool while Hayden continued to nap! Check out her sweet suit!
Connor couldn't wait to jump in the pool and go down the slide!
Mom, it's a little cold. Get me out of here!
Sweet cousins!
The neighbor's dog started barking and we loved it!
Stop taking pictures!
I woke Hayden up from his nap and he wasn't thrilled. Clearly he's been drooling. Ha.
My little diva!
So serious.
Racing up the stairs for a bath. I'm not sure if he's trying to help her or pull her down.
Reading our books during bath time!
Story time with daddy while Reesie rocks with mommy.
After the twins went to bed, we went out to dinner to celebrate Candice's birthday! When we got home, Hayden started wailing. When I walked in to check on him, he was stuck in the bars of his crib. I have no idea how, but there's never a dull moment.
Twin Tuesday is my least read blog every week. What are some ideas for a different Tuesday blog? I want to make the readers happy!