Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Twin Tuesday

Last Friday we took the twins to the beach for the first time! It was oodles of work, but so fun! I wish I had taken a few of them reacting to the water, but I was enjoying the moment!

Sweet Hayden with Danielle

Sweet Reese playing in the sand

He was so sandy, but loved it!

They seemed to love the beach which made this momma happy! 

After we got tousled in the waves a bit! They were exhausted, as were we!

Love our beach hats!

We did not photograph the part in the water! They both loved the water, were splashing, and Reese kept wanting to sip it. In the water was me, Rob, Reese, Hayden, Carlyn, Danielle, and Jamie. Out of no where we got attacked by some crazy waves. I was holding Reese as high as I could and jumping while I screamed for Jamie. I was terrified I was going to drop Reese, or that she'd go under. Jamie was beside me in a flash helping me to hold her up, but I was yelling, "You're too short! You're too short!" Jamie runs marathons regularly and completes in triathlons- she had this under control. Hayden was with Carlyn at the time with Rob nearby. Rob said that she was holding him high over her head and she would totally disappear under the waves with Hayden in the air. He was laughing hard through the whole thing. Reese was a little phased by my yelling, but seemed to find it fun as well. 

We'll definitely take them again, but I need to get in better shape. Walking them and all their junk from the house to the beach, piping hot sand, getting everything situated, holding them in the water, dodging death waves, and hiking back to the house to give baths and put them down for naps was exhausting. I slept hard Friday night and so did the twins. 

Any good beach tips for the beach with kids?