That is a total weight loss of 13.8 pounds, and 1.8 for this week. My goal is two pounds a week, so I didn't quite get it. I also had a goal to walk twice this week, and I didn't do that either. Oops. Let me tell you what I did do.
Last Thursday night we went to see the midnight showing of Hunger Games. Danielle brought me Raisinettes and I munched on Rob's popcorn. I budgetted for those calories that day, so it wasn't that bad.
On Saturday, we celebrated my nephew's birthday and I had cake and ice cream. I kind of planned for it by watching my calories for breakfast and lunch that day carefully. A light dinner would have worked, but we went to a going away party for our friends, Brian and Steph, and there were appetizers everywhere. I could live off of appetizers- I love them! Chip & dip, nuggets, veggies, etc. We were hanging out with the Mensers right beside the table, and I just kept snacking. I left them to go to the other room, not to be rude, but to simply be away from the food!
Last night all 9 of us Virginia Shepherds got together at "our" house for a family dinner. I made a crock pot lasagna and garlic bread, Marcia made the salad, and Nicole brought dessert. I definitely went over my calories again.
I cannot settle! While I want this to be a lifestyle, and I do believe every now & then you can be "normal", I have to have discipline because for me this is a slippery slope.
This week's challenges:
- Reese & Hayden's birthday party Saturday which is a dessert party
- Courtney's birthday lunch Sunday
- Spring Break is next week which means changes in routines & schedules
- Easter candy is everywhere! Darn Cadbury Eggs, Stacy!!
Here's to making wise choices!
What areas do you struggle to make wise choices?