The past few weeks have been quite possibly the craziest in our marriage. Rob left his job of seven years on February 5, is starting a new church, I officially resigned from my teaching job for the 2012-2013 school year, we sold our house, and as of this week, we are moved in with his parents! Phew! Add to that caring for our almost one year old twins, grading papers, packing boxes, cleaning the house, trying to see friends, and life in general- we are fighting for time together. As mentioned last week, we value dates and think they are essential.
Enter this week's schedule- Rob was invited to a men's Bible Study Monday night which he attended. I have International Night for my school Tuesday evening, plus some last minute touches to our house before we close. Wednesday afternoon we have a four hour interview with an organization that is considering helping us with funding for the new church, plus a trip to the lawyer's office to sign all our closing papers. I am also going to see Wicked with Courtney and her mom for her birthday. On Thursday, Rob is headed to Virginia Beach to do some work with a friend on the church. Friday I am stopping by my former principal's new house for an open house for a few minutes at least. Saturday we have our nephew's birthday party plus a going away party for our dear friends the Jumps. It starts all over again Sunday. I realize that most of this is by choice, so I'm not throwing a pity party. We love staying busy, but we love staying busy together as a family more.
I am hoping that once Sunday hits, we can take a deep breath and regroup. I am hoping we will be intentional with the time we do have together. I am hoping we will make a date a priority next week! Who wants to babysit?? Just kidding. I'm praying fervently for our marriage during this time more than ever. Now that things are settling down, I am about to make every effort possible to make our marriage amazing. Bom-chicka-wah-wah. Kind of kidding.
Does your schedule ever get in the way of life? What do you do to pull back and regroup?