Sometimes being a wife is hard. It has nothing to do with Rob or the kind of husband he is. He is an amazing husband. It has to do with me being selfish.
There are a few days a year when I feel like I do everything. I'm with the kids all day (most every day), I do the dishes, the laundry, the shopping, the cleaning, the bills, our budget, cook our meals, etc. etc. It gets exhausting and repetitive- occasionally. When it does get like that, I have a "whoa-is-me" party in my head. I get selfish and tired. I have moments when I feel like I do "everything". I know that isn't true; it's a lie.
Rob and I have a rule that we don't use absolutes. They are relationship killers. You always, you never, etc. While it might be true that one time, it's not ALWAYS true. I don't do everything. That's not possible and it's not true.
Rob works his tail off all day, and some nights, not just because he loves his job, but it allows me to stay home with our kids. He provides every penny for our family. He plays hard with the kids when he is home. When he's gone they constantly ask where da-da is and if they can give him kisses. Since he's working, they give his picture kisses all day long. He turns the monitor off so I can sleep and he gets the kids ready some mornings. When he is home, he feeds them every meal. He does anything I ask of him. He does more than enough for our family. I do not do everything.
Being a wife is hard, but it is the best! It's everything I thought it would be and more. Ephesians 4:27 says not to give the devil a foothold. For me, that means that my heart is deceitful and if I'm not careful, my selfishness can give way to satan and give him the advantage to make me believe more lies. Proverbs 4:23 says to guard your heart for it is the well-spring of life. Ephesians 5 talks about submitting to your husband and respecting him. I don't find this to be pre-historic or the opposite of women's lib. I find it to be truth and truth gives life. It allows me to do things around the house with joy.
If you are a wife, what is the hardest part for you? If you aren't a wife right now, what do you anticipate being the biggest struggle for you?