- It's official! My last pay check with Friday, and that means I am officially a stay at home mom. Whoop whoop! Besides the obvious time with our children, Nicole and I were most excited about getting to spend more time together now that we've both resigned from teaching. (Nicole is my sister-in-law & we taught together at Dare for the last 6 years.)
- Last week, we hung out after church to make two batches of cake balls for our Dare friends! On Monday she brought both her boys over to hang out for the day, Tuesday we met at Dare with our kids to visit with our teacher friends and drop off said cake balls, and she came back for the afternoon Wednesday while a new roof was being put on her house. Mission accomplished!! We are getting our time together just as we hoped.
- The best part? Our kids adore each other! Connor makes the twins smile and laugh constantly, and Connor simply wants to give them kisses all the time. The twins are smitten with their newest cousin, Brody, and get so excited to see him. They love to chase each other, watch each other jump up and down, give kisses, play in the crib of all places together, and just laugh together. It warms my heart.
- As soon as we got to Dare for our visit, I knew I had made the best decision in the world for me to stay home. I was just overwhelmed with peace about not teaching whereas last week I had some sadness about not working. I enjoyed visiting with friends, seeing classrooms, and then heading home!
- In other news, I think I might have speech dyslexia. In regular conversation, usually with Rob, I say a simple sentence, but one word comes out completely wrong. Dyslexia is probably the wrong description of my disease, but it's all I can think of. It goes something like this:
- What I want to say: "Can you pass the butter?"
- What comes out: "Can you pass the iron?"
- What I want to say: "Hayden loves to read that book."
- What comes out: "Hayden loves to read that toothpaste."
- Seriously, it's happening almost once a day now. Is it old age? Rob just laughs at me.
- I'm doing much better in the discipline department! I've read my Bible for seven days in a row, blogged regularly, counted calories & used my app for seven days in a row, worked out with Faith twice, went on a bike ride & lots of walks. Tune in Thursday for the weight update!
- Tomorrow is the first day of school!!! I am so excited for my teacher friends. I am praying, praying, praying for each of you and hoping you have great influence this year. This will be the first time I've never had a first day of school! In honor of that, I'm having Nicole and Lauren (who also taught at Dare with us & is staying home with her daughter this year) over for lunch!
- Also, Rob asked me to go on a date to celebrate my "first day of stay at home mommyhood"- ha! Isn't he the best? We're even paying for a babysitter- Amanda is the best! He's also going out of town Wednesday & Thursday, so we're trying to soak up as much time as possible.
- Yesterday was "Move Up" Sunday at church for our Next Level Kids! I get 5 new first graders from the K class, and they're so cute! Amber & I did some Pinterest stuff to celebrate with the kids. We had a Costco cake, made Swedish fish packs with a note that said "You're o-fish-ally in NLK!", and had all the kids make a gift to give their teachers on the first day of school. It was fantastic!
- In other news, I am so thankful for Rob. He does so much for me and the kids; it's crazy. I love him.
- I'm 99% sure someone lied to me this weekend, and it made me want to punch them. I'm sure I'm lied to here & there, but never so blatantly. I responded by telling them that I didn't believe them, but whatever worked for them. Apparently being lied to really bothers me, but it's been so long since I've realized a statement was an actual lie, I didn't realize how much it bothered me. God help my children when they start getting caught in lies.
- Did you know that Rob snores? He tells me they are love songs to me while he sleeps. I'm not buying it.
- My son has started screaming circa 1:30 am for the last three nights. I would love nothing more than a 6-8 hour stretch of uninterrupted sleep. I don't know what's wrong with him. I change his diaper, offer milk, offer food, give him medicine because I think it's his molars, but he just cries. Two times he's just started saying, "book, book, book"- and he gets happy when I start reading him a book. He woke up for a second time Saturday night around 3 am, and I just turned the monitor down because he had already gotten up once & nothing worked. Don't judge me. He was happy as a lark that morning. Here's to hoping tonight is better!
- Rob is off today in honor of Labor Day (which I have no idea why we celebrate Labor Day), so we are having a family fun day with Jon, Nicole, and their two kids!
How are you celebrating Labor Day? Any good stories about a time you were lied to?