On Monday, I started carefully counting calories again. I use My Fitness Pal, which is a free app that works for me. On Monday morning, I took the kids for an early morning walk for some exercise. Side note- Monday morning are the worst morning walk days because it is trash day! It was stinky!! On Tuesday, I went to Faith's house for a training session with her. (Check out her website here!) Later that day I went on a good bike ride with my parents and the kids. I didn't have any exercise planned for Wednesday, so I was extra careful with what I ate- cottage cheese, grilled chicken, etc.
My issue is discipline. When I try hard, I am really good at certain things. I can be good at this too. I've started reading my Bible again each day, blogging each day, and making Thinner Thursday a daily goal again. All of those things help with my discipline. I'd appreciate your prayers. Encouragement is nice, but I'm not really a words of affirmation person. Ha. I'm thankful for Faith working with me this summer even though I didn't do as well as we hoped. I'm thankful for Danielle offering to help me get exercise in during the week by offering to watch the kids or to go with me. I'm thankful for Mim taking me to the Langley gym again! I'm thankful for Rob loving me regardless how out of shape I've become & how encouraging he is.
Here's today's photo!
That's a total loss of 6.8 pounds. Here to another disciplined week.