Today is one of my favorite days of the year! Rob was born today, and without him, I would be crazy. I'd like to thank Bob and Marcia for having him and raising such an amazing man. He loves his birthday and I love helping him celebrate. We basically started celebrating on Friday, and we plan to continue through Wednesday evening with the Sparks.
Rob turns 34 today, and for some reason that sounds old to me. I don't think we're old, and we don't feel old, but to me it is starting to sound old. We've been married since he was 22 (ten days before he turned 23). Today, he is officially older than Jesus ever was, so that seems like a good accomplishment, right?
Rob, I know we aren't doing presents like we normally do because of budgets, but I hope it's still a great birthday. You are the love of my life. Thank you for living in such a way that draws our family to Jesus. Thank you for being such an amazing dad to Reesie and Hayden. If they could do much of anything, I'm sure they'd make you some pretty sweet pictures. Maybe one day, if you're lucky. Thank you for loving me and leading our family. Thank you for making us laugh, having so much fun with us, and providing for our family. Thank you for being obedient to what God called you to do this year and stepping out on faith. I wouldn't want to do this with any other person. You are my favorite.
Happy birthday!