Monday, August 27, 2012

Manic Monday

Manic Monday

man·ic//   adjective pertaining to or affected by mania
mania  noun excessive excitement or enthusiasm

Much like’s Mind Dumps, Manic Monday is just a snapshot of the random excitement that is inside my head.

·                 I took a break from blogging because I just didn’t care anymore. I wasn’t motivated to blog, didn’t feel like there were great things to blog about, and made choices to do other things.
·                I’m hoping things are changing today in several areas, but most of all in blogging! I really do enjoy blogging and I love reading comments, so I’m going to try and blog at least three to four times a week through December.
·                For no real reason, I feel like things have been off a little bit. I’ve lost much motivation, I’ve gotten lazy, and I’ve felt sad at times.
·                 Last week was emotional for me as my teacher friends headed back to work and I didn’t. Please hear me on this- I LOVE that I have the opportunity to stay home with my children this year. I wouldn’t trade it for the world.
·                 However, I also love teaching. I’ve never not had a first day of school. I moved straight through high school to college to teaching fall after fall without a break.
·                 I missed the first morning back to work with breakfast and my teacher friends. I missed shopping for back to school clothes and shoes. I missed setting up my classroom and seeing the class list. I really miss my Dare family that I’ve spent the last seven years working with!
·                 I will miss the first day of school and having my own classroom. Teaching gave me my own identity and some independence outside of the home. I’m already praying about what to do next year.
·                But again- please hear me on this. While teachers were disaggregating last year’s SOL data Thursday, I was chasing Hayden around the house and tickling Reese while she belly laughed. I was snuggling with the twins in the recliner while they squealed in delight when Bert and Ernie showed up on Sesame Street. I was having play dates with Alicia and Lisa during the day, and I stayed up late reading and watching tv. I love these days and savor them. I will fill this year up with those memories and hold them tight. I will probably do it again next year, but I’m praying about it.
·                 I do not regret my decision to stay home; I am simply missing teaching for now. This weekend I worked on better time management for my day to day schedule so that I can maximize my time and use it better. It might have involved an Excel spreadsheet.

In conclusion, this week is a focus on discipline. I have to start reading my Bible each day, exercising each day, and blogging again. I gained 5 pounds in the last 3 days because we were trapped in the river house while it rained and all we did was eat. I literally only got up to use the bathroom. Yikes. Here goes nothing!

Also, I don't know why the blog is all wonky with the bullets and tabs. 

What are you doing this week that is different than last week?