Without telling people, I took a week off from blogging. I've been really tired, busy, and obsessed with a book. I'd rather use my free time to read, so I am! Good news- I'm almost finished with the book and will return to our regularly scheduled blogging next week. With all that said, I couldn't skip today because it's an accountability issue for me.
Today I weigh 207.2 pounds. Not bad considering I haven't counted calories in a week, went to the river house for the weekend with friends ( = bad food), and did no exercise in any way shape or form. Last week I weighed 208.8, so that's a 1.6 pound weight loss for the week and a 16.2 total loss. I haven't been doing much snacking, so that's helped, plus I've cooked almost all of our meals for the last week. They weren't super duper healthy, but less calories than eating out.
Tomorrow morning I have the first part of my "assessment" with my soon-to-be personal trainer. She'll be taking my measurements & such. In her e-mail she said to wear spandex or tight fitting clothes to get accurate measurements which made me laugh out loud. I own no spandex and typically stick to baggier clothes. Check out Faith's Facebook page for Flair for Fitness if you are interested in pursuing a personal trainer! As soon as school is out, I'll be adding my measurements and new weekly schedule for work-outs and eating. So ready to do this!