Our neighbors have a small white dog named Casper. Our kids are obsessed with that dog! They've also figured out if they look out any of the back upstairs windows they can see down into the yard to see the dog. Now when I lay them on the changing table, which is beside the window, they arch their back, point their finger to the window, and say dog over and over. It was cute the first time. In the playroom, they pull themselves up to the window and say dog over and over. Their little legs can't quite get their eyes over the windowsill, so we give them the occasional boost. At the baby shower we went to on Saturday, there was also a dog. Once the kids saw the dog, all they wanted to do was crawl around saying dog, dog, dog. I'm pretty sure they said dog a minimum of 785 times Saturday. Rob tweeted the following and it made me laugh hard! "My kids have said "dog" about 1,347 times today. I wonder how long they will believe that dogs are like zoo animals and we can't own them?" Ha.
The infamous dog, Casper. Dog, dog, dog, dog.
Sweet Reesie girl playing outside!
The twins LOVE to walk around the house with their Mamaw & Papaw touching everything possible. They love to ring the bell, touch light switches, and pull the strings on fans.
They are obsessed with i-pods (probably because they see us on ours all the time). I had to get my old, old i-touch out, charge it, and put some apps on it for them. They love it! Especially the PBS app because it has Curious George and Elmo!
My aunt Rainey got the kids their own chairs for their birthdays, and they LOVE them! They think they are hot stuff sitting in them. They also like to climb up and flip out of them too- awesome!
Reese does everything possible to get to us when we are eating. She loves to eat our food- especially our cereal in the morning.
Three reasons I chose this pic- 1. He loves sitting in his chair. 2. This was the day Avengers came out, so I made sure to dress him accordingly for his father. 3. He loves to show people he is 1!
Cool dude in his new sunglasses!
Hanging out with daddy at the baby shower Saturday. Check out her new shoes! LOVE!
Buddy the dog being stalked by my children.
Rocking in Papaw's chair! They think it's a ride at Busch Gardens.
Strange picture, but love those eyes & eyelashes!