Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Wife Wednesday
This is one of our very first photos together, if not our very first. This was summer of 2000 if I remember correctly. We weren't dating at the time, but I liked him. Who can resist those blond tips??
We dated for a hot second about eight months before this photo. You should know that Rob dumped me my junior year of college. He dumped me good. In his defense, he didn't want to string me along because he wasn't sure I was the one for him. He didn't want to waste my time and was trying to protect me in the long run. I still cried. We didn't even date that long. Still cried.
Don't fear. We started dating less than two months after this picture, got engaged five months after this picture, and married almost exactly one year to the date of this photo being taken. A lot can change in a year. I'm very thankful for that simple fact.
One year ago today, we were comfortable. We were in a nice house, had two month old twins, and had good jobs. Today, we live with Rob's parents, have fourteen month old twins, I'm about to become a stay at home mom, and Rob has followed God's call to start a church. While we were comfortable last year, we are at peace and full of joy and excitement today! We've lost friendships in the last year, and we've begun new relationships this year. A lot can change in a year!
I can't imagine experiencing life year to year without Rob. He is our family's strength. He loves Jesus, seeks God's will for us, and is the heart of our family. I don't worry about next year, let alone next week because of our faith and trust in God. I hope you have that same freedom. Life isn't great because Rob is amazing; life is great because God is faithful.
Where have you seen God's faithfulness in your life?