Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Twin Tuesday

I follow a person called "Honest Toddler" on Twitter. It's an adult that Twitters as though he/she is a three/four year old. I laugh out loud daily thanks to this person. Mainly because I can relate to a lot of the statements since I have young children. There is also a blog by the same person: www.thehonesttoddler.com. Don't get honest toddler confused with an infant; he thinks infants are weak. If you've ever had young children, or you plan to, you should follow Honest Toddler on Twitter.....if you have a Twitter account. Honest Toddler tends to Twitter about ten times in a row to tell a story/run-on joke. Here are a handful of tasty morsels that are my favorites!

  • Nothing adults love more than telling people how exhausted they are. It's like a sadness competition.
  • Tell me again how tired you are. Wow. So interesting. LOL.
  • You could fall asleep right here? Cool story. Make sure you tell Facebook.
  • When you think about it, adults and infants have a lot in common. Always ready for a nap.
  • Infant children are tired because of innate weakness. Adults just rinse dishes, use the computer and tell people what to do.
  • So Ikea sells broken furniture and adults cheerfully put it together but I cut one sofa and they can't stop talking about it.
  • Toddler Tip: If you can see straight through the water, you don't have enough bath toys. 
  • Mommy. You are an angel. But when you're angry you have the face of a demon. Love you.
  • Daddy. You were born a tattle but I forgive you. See me later about some chocolate I found. I think it's chocolate.
  • Please look alive when reading bedtime stories. Pretend Facebook is watching.
  • Toddler Tip: Jumping up and down in your bed while screaming might not get you out of a nap but it will send a message.
  • Birthday infant thanks for getting born so I can have cake.
  • Man at the store asked mama if I could have a balloon. She doesn't speak for me. I'll take six.
  • So if you want cake for breakfast it's called muffin. Lol adults, I see what you did there.
  • This three-year old just rolled up to the park wearing loafers looking like Frasier. Don't hurt yourself, Kelsey Grammer.
  • I would watch the Emmys but seeing other people experience winning isn't what I'm about.
  • Opened a juice box with my teeth at the grocery store. Now we have to buy it. :)
Oh man. There are so many more better ones, but I don't have the time. Hope it made you smile.

If you are on Twitter, who is your favorite person to follow? If you aren't on Twitter, what makes you laugh?