Thursday, June 21, 2012

Thinner Thursday Update

I started this journey weighing 223.4. Today I weigh 210. This is a total of 13.4 pounds lost. For this past week, it is about a 1.4 pound gain. I'm still excited about the total weight loss, and I am not discouraged by the number for this week. For me, this has never been about the number on the scale. If it was, I probably would have never put it out on the world wide web. For me, it is about a lifestyle change. I am totally getting there!

In the last two weeks, I have gone to the gym 7 times- that's every other day! I do cardio and work in some weights. I'm upping the level on the elliptical gradually and increasing the amount of weights slowly. I'm excited about that!

On Tuesday, I had my first workout with my personal trainer, Faith, from Flair for Fitness! You can check out her Facebook page here. I was excited and nervous all at the same time. She is really good at her job. Our hour together included, but wasn't limited to sit-ups, push-ups, bicep/tricep work, stretching, and small cardio intervals. I should also mention that when she did my fitness assessment before we began our session I fell into the "poor" category which basically means I almost died during the three minute cardio fitness test. She told me the good news was that I could only go up! So, beginning this week I have two strength training/personal trainer sessions a week plus cardio on my own. Right now I am going every other day, but my goal is five times a week. Here's to getting skinny!

What's your favorite fast food place? What do you get? Right now, mine is Taco Bell. I love their soft taco and their new nacho burrito. This blog seemed to healthy.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Wife Wednesday

Wife Wednesday is my most read blog, and often has the most comments. It's mainly because it's about Rob and people adore him. I also think marriage/relationships connects more with the general population than my random thoughts, twins, weight loss, or my friends. Either way, I'm good with it because Rob is my favorite.

I don't really get many comments on any given day...four is about my normal. However, I thought I would open this up to questions! Any questions about Rob for me? Any questions about marriage or relationships that both me and Rob could answer for you? Leave it in the comments and we'll answer you!

Here's my question for you: What do you think is the most important component in a relationship (aside from God/Jesus being the focus- that's an obvious for most of us!)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Twin Tuesday

Here is our first day of summer via pictures! While many wouldn't find this to be a great start to summer, I find it absolutely amazing!

We woke up around 7:00 a.m. and headed downstairs to play with our new dog from Grandma and Grandpa Brownell. It walks and barks and pants. Closest thing they'll have to a real dog!

While I made breakfast, they held on tight to my legs...not because they are clingy- they were hungry!

Daddy was eating Apple Jacks and we like to share with him!

Morning snack time with Teddy Grahams! Reese doesn't like to eat them if I hand them to her. She prefers to reach in and grab them herself. Miss Independent!

Reese and Connor hit the pool while Hayden continued to nap! Check out her sweet suit!

Connor couldn't wait to jump in the pool and go down the slide!

Mom, it's a little cold. Get me out of here!

Sweet cousins!

The neighbor's dog started barking and we loved it!

Stop taking pictures!

I woke Hayden up from his nap and he wasn't thrilled. Clearly he's been drooling. Ha.

My little diva!

So serious.

Racing up the stairs for a bath. I'm not sure if he's trying to help her or pull her down.

Reading our books during bath time!

Story time with daddy while Reesie rocks with mommy.

After the twins went to bed, we went out to dinner to celebrate Candice's birthday! When we got home, Hayden started wailing. When I walked in to check on him, he was stuck in the bars of his crib. I have no idea how, but there's never a dull moment. 

Twin Tuesday is my least read blog every week. What are some ideas for a different Tuesday blog? I want to make the readers happy! 

Monday, June 18, 2012

Manic Monday

man·ic adjective pertaining to or affected by mania
mania noun excessive excitement or enthusiasm

Much like’s Mind Dumps, Manic Monday is just a snapshot of the random excitement that is inside my head.

  • This is my first official Monday as a stay at home mom. I love it. It hasn't really started yet, but I love it!
  • I don't think it has actually set in yet because after teaching for 11 years, it just feels like summer. Come September it will feel legit!
  • I mentioned last week that it was super bittersweet. I LOVE teaching. I decided in second grade I wanted to become a teacher and never looked back or thought twice about it. I like that it gives me another identity outside of wife and mother. I love working with other teachers, getting to know my students, and trying to be creative!
  • This was a really bizarre year to leave teaching. As many of you know, my school's building was under-going construction which caused a delay in us getting in the building in September. Then some storms hit and caused water damage to the building which caused a further know- the type of delay that caused us to not teach in our building all year! 
  • 4th and 5th grade had the privilege to work in empty classrooms at Bethel Manor. They graciously shared space and resources with us which made for a nice transition; however, we were separated from our Dare staff/family as they were housed across the district.
  • This separation made leaving hard and easy. Easy because we weren't as close to everyone, so saying good-bye wouldn't be as hard. Difficult because I didn't get to spend my last year with people I love and respect so much!
  • Despite the craziness, our students were flexible and resilient. Nicole and I learned how little supplies we could be great teachers with because everything was mostly packed up! We lived out of boxes as each new unit approached. 
  • Job sharing was even more amazing than I expected. Our principals and parents confirmed with us that it went smoothly and flawlessly. Our students loved it and didn't bat an eye at having two Shepherds. I guess it is still slightly possible, but we didn't have one parent complaint all year, and no matter how good you are at teaching, that is a minor miracle!
  • So what's our plan for our first week of summer, you ask? Monday will be a lazy day with my kids. Nicole and Connor are coming over for our first summer playdate. This will be amazing because usually on Monday mornings I am dropping my kids off at her house and leaving for work. Not today! We get to play together!
  • Tuesday starts with my first training session with my personal trainer! Whoop whoop! On Wednesday I am meeting with Amber from Next Level to work on curriculum for this summer for our first through fifth graders at church. So excited to keep my hand in teaching this way! On Thursday I'm taking the kids to Virginia Beach for the day, and another training session Friday with Faith. I can't wait for some family adventures that Friday and Saturday!
  • I really need to run a handful of errands; it just takes a little longer with loading and unloading twins at each stop. I'll try to do a couple each day.
  • I am patiently waiting on three new babies to arrive! My nephew, Brody, is due this coming Friday, so any day now! My friend Alicia's son is due Saturday, so again, any day now! My friend Mollie's little girl was due this past week, so it really should be any day now! Our friends Lisa and Jason had their son last week, so we are planning to visit them with food this week too. Holy babies, Batman!
  • My prayer for summer is to be intentional with our time and find ways to be a blessing to other people throughout the week. (Another goal is to have a semblance of a tan by September!)
What are your plans for summer? Favorite summer activity? Mine is watching sunsets at the beach.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Thinner Thursday Update

Yay for motivation! Boo for no weight loss. For another week I have stayed practically the same; however, it's been a great week!

My father-in-law is retired military, so my mother-in-law can take me on to the base at Langley to work-out in the gym. Win! As soon as we put the kids down for bed, Mim and I head to the gym every other day. We went Wednesday, Friday, Sunday, Tuesday in the last week, and we are going tonight! That's five times in nine days people. This might not mean anything to you, but I had not been to the gym since I found out I was pregnant with twins!

I do the elliptical for 30 minutes, and then do a few weights. So far I have been focusing on triceps, biceps, and chest. I haven't lost any weight because I'm gaining muscle, right?? Kidding. I thought I did alright with eating, but apparently I need to do even better. I have my first session with my new personal trainer this coming Tuesday! Faith runs her own business called Flair for Fitness and she graciously offered to work with me this summer. I can't wait to learn from her and start posting real results.

What do you like to do at the gym?

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Wife Wednesday

I haven't made time, or really had time, to blog this week, so I thought I'd cheat. Since it's Wife Wednesday, I'd like to direct you to my husband's blog today! I always love reading his blogs, but I found today's to be especially good. He is wise and creative, and I am proud to call him mine!

Read Rob's blog here!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Manic Monday

I usually have many thoughts that run through my head; however, I only have one main thought today.

  • It is my last Monday of the school year. It is my last full day with kids for the school year.
  • It is my last Monday of my teaching career for a few years. It is my last full day with kids for my teaching career for a few years.
  • Bittersweet.
What chapter in your life has come to an end lately? How did it make you feel?

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Thinner Thursday Update

I gained a pound this week. A pound doesn't really mean much to me alone. I seem to just hover around this weight. I've been here for weeks. I did, however, take my first step to change that! My mother-in-law, Marcia, took me to the gym on base at Langley with her last night!

I haven't been to the gym since before I got pregnant with the twins. I had so many complications early on with the pregnancy and was put on bed rest off and on, so it wasn't really an option. The babies are over a  year old now, so no excuses! It was a little intimidating because the gym was full of really attractive and fit military men and women. The lady on the elliptical beside me was about 7 months pregnant and was killing it on the machine. Good motivation. I did 30 full minutes on the machine and felt good. Not gonna lie- my i-pod shuffle hit a Bieber song and I picked up the pace. I also did a few weight machines for my legs.

I am excited to get to the gym three times a week from now on. It works perfectly- I put the kids down at 7pm  and we headed out the door. Hopefully having a buddy who is motivated will help too! One of these days I'll have eating and working balanced!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Wife Wednesday

Good questions make a difference. When I first got to know Rob in college, I thought that he asked way too many questions. He's not just analytical, but he likes to get to know someone. The best way to do that is by asking questions. We ask each other a handful of the same questions every day. I think these questions help to keep us healthy. Throughout each day, you will hear one or both of us ask some of these questions:

1. Did you have a good night's sleep?
2. Have you read your Bible lately? (Rob to me)
3. You good?
4. How was your day?
5. What's your day look like today?
6. Do you need anything?
7. Can I get you something?
8. Can you get me some socks? (me to Rob)
9. What do you want to do?
10. I feel like I should have an even 10, but can't think of one we regularly ask.

What are some other good questions that help put the other first or show interest in their day?

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Twin Tuesday

It's like we have newborns again. We have been waking up with the twins almost every night in the last week. It's exhausting, and a gentle reminder that we are perfectly content if these two kids are all we have. (Side note- we plan to adopt, but it will be a child who is a little older!) Hayden and Reese have been really weird with their eating this week, so I don't know if they are just hungry at night or what. We jokingly blame everything on teething, but who knows. They do seem to be growing a little. They've also been sick off and on for two weeks, and they are back on an antibiotic for sinus infections. Hayden's fever keeps going over 102/103 and it's pathetic.

We had basically weened them off of bottles/formula. They were only having one a day, but once they got sick almost two weeks ago, they reverted back to wanting bottles more. I guess for the comfort? I don't know. I keep trying to introduce new, one year old friendly foods, but they keep rejecting it. Reese is almost funny when it happens if it wasn't so frustrating. She responds to food (such as real oatmeal, rice, shredded chicken, etc) as though she is being stabbed with a hot poker. She used to simply lean away or push at the spoon/fork. Now she tries to dive out of her high chair, squeals, clenches her teeth, and then sticks her tongue out and makes a fart noise if it gets too close.

Hayden will let us put the food in his mouth, but then he flops his tongue out, dumping the food down his bib and wiping his tongue off. This is repeated over and over.

Open to suggestions!
She did try her first blow pop last night & loved it. Ha!

What other foods should we try or have you had great success with? What parenting tips do you have for meal times?

Who me?? She loves to put her glasses on and smile for people!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Manic Monday

man·ic adjective pertaining to or affected by mania
mania noun excessive excitement or enthusiasm

Much like’s Mind Dumps, Manic Monday is just a snapshot of the random excitement that is inside my head.

  • Last weekend a handful of us headed up to my parent's river house on the Rappahannock. It is one of my favorite places in the world because it is so relaxing. On Friday night, Rob, Courtney, Danielle, Dan, and I ate dinner in, watched a movie, and just hung out. On Saturday, our friends Stephen and Brooke joined us for the day. We spent the entire day laying in the sand, playing in the river, and eating food. It was marvelous. We came home Sunday morning for two reasons- my kids were sick and we had church.
  • Our sweet friends, the Froyens, kept Reese and Hayden for us last Friday and Saturday night here in Yorktown while we went to the river. Both kids ended up getting high fevers and feeling junky. Our friend, who happens to be a pediatrician, came by the house to check them out- ears & chest were clear. We're thinking it was a quick virus. Both kids were great by Monday morning. (However, by this past Friday they were sick again....sigh)
  • The twins love, love, love being at the Froyens house. They adore Eric and Stacy's boys, Dean and Joel. Plus, they have a dog, and who can compete with that?
  • Only 5 1/2 more days left for me to teach! 12 days total until summer break!
  • On Saturday, my mother-in-law and I hosted a baby shower for my sister-in-law, Nicole and Baby Brody! Brody is set to join us around June 22.
  • Our theme was "Love you to the Moon & back!" Here is our invitation:
I bought it on Etsy and it is darling!
  • We had all sorts of moon/star themed foods.
Star shaped marshmallows with powdered sugar donut holes

Cupcakes with sparkly "moon dust" glitter on them.

Star shaped white chocolates

Crackers & cheese (used a cookie cutter on the cheese)

Sugar cookie bars with fondant; designed to match the invites
Nicole, Brody, and the food! 
  • Marcia made home-made moon pies with powdered sugar stars on the top- they were amazing! She also mad a funfetti cake batter dip from Pinterest which was a huge hit.

  • In the other room we had custom made water bottles, punch with blue star ice cubes, hot spinach artichoke dip, and a fiesta layered dip. It was the place to be!
Nicole's ladies (minus Kathy taking the picture)

  • We cannot wait to meet Brody Shepherd! I can't believe he'll be here this month.
  • Another little boy who joins us this month is Alicia's son! On Sunday I went to a shower for them hosted by Lindsey, Anna, and Courtney.
Anna, Alicia, and Courtney
Marcia's 2nd diaper cake of the weekend- too cute!

Do anything exciting in the last two weeks?