Monday, September 10, 2012

Manic Monday

Much like's Mind Dumps, Manic Monday is a snapshot of all the random excitement that is inside my head.

  • Recently, Rob has developed a new appreciation for Roxette. Yes, the music. We went to Best Buy to try and purchase the greatest hits, but they didn't have it in stock. He was going to buy it on i-tunes, but my car doesn't play burned cds. Instead, I would play the 1:15 samples on i-tunes in the car that night and we sang along loudly. It was still fun! (I ordered it for him on Amazon as a surprise- surprise, Rob! It should be here today!)
  • I know I'm just starting week 3 of trying to live healthier, but I'm still going strong! Being on a stricter budget is helping because we can't eat out hardly at all. Brooke (her and her husband lead worship for us at Next Level) and I talked about spending a day cooking to prep freezer meals for the crockpot. I'm really, really excited about that for three reasons. The first is time with Brooke, the second is to try some new meals, and the third is to save time in the kitchen during the week!
  • My friend Richard told me he was getting tired of seeing all the "I am blessed to stay home with my kids" posts which I completely understand. I think people know I am thankful, so I'll be keeping those comments to a minimum out of respect for people who can't stay home. 
  • Every month Next Level Church picks a focus to "Make a Difference" and this month's focus is blessing teachers & schools! Check out a list of things you can do here! There are so many easy and cheap ways you can bless a teacher! Check out Pinterest if you aren't creative! So far I've brought first day of school cupcakes to my friend's class in Hampton, brought Starbucks to the office staff of my last school, and on Friday me and Rob went to our local neighborhood elementary school, Kraft, to bless them! It is so much fun!!!! I wish we had more money to do more stuff because I think educators are some of the most grateful and deserving people!
  • We have another busy week, and I'm ok with it because it is filled with my family, our first community group at Next Level, time with Nicole & her kids, time with Alicia & her kids, and hang outs with three other dear friends throughout the week. 
  • Hayden woke up from his Sunday nap with a 103.6 degree fever- boo. This could change above plans, but I need to see how he is doing once he wakes up. If he still has a fever, it changes everything, but I have to get him better and make sure Reese doesn't get it- yeah right! He sure was pitiful. 
  • I had to miss church because of a sick kid, and both of those things made me sad. I hate missing church. Love worshiping, love hearing Rob preach, and love seeing great people. Missed it all.
  • Anyone else watch Big Brother? I'm not sure why I do, but I do. Probably because there isn't much else on in the summer and I like tv. I am super excited about the fall tv season!! I am most excited about Revenge, Vampire Diaries, Grey's Anatomy, and Walking Dead. 
What fall shows are you excited about? How can you be a blessing to a teacher or a school this week?