I weigh 211 pounds today. Frustrating because the number went up; not frustrating because of the week I've had.
It's been a good week. I went to the gym for cardio on Sunday, Tuesday, and today. I worked out with Faith at her house on Tuesday. (Visit www.flairforfitness.net!) Faith is out of town Friday, so she sent me a workout to do on my own. I got serious about my calories too. For breakfast each morning I had one hard boiled egg and one piece of toast. For lunch I had a can of tuna with a touch of mayo with baked Lays and a 100 calorie cookie pack. I did have Wendy's on Wednesday with Alicia, but I worked out twice that day and only went over my calories by 50. With the exception of one soda, I had water all week. I cooked regular dinners for the family since I had calories to use for the day. They shouldn't suffer for my weight problems and I don't have time at this point to cook two different things. I'll slowly work on dinners getting healthier. We had bbq chicken sliders Monday, beef drip subs Tuesday, poppyseed chicken Wednesday, and we're having chicken ceasar pasta salad tonight. This is one of the first weeks I have really counted & watched my calories closely along with working out. I like it & hope to keep it up!
I'm not even thinking about giving up or stopping what I'm doing. I've said all along a number doesn't bother me. It would be encouraging to see some tiny gains whatever they might be. We'll be on "vacation" starting Sunday through Sunday, so hopefully I'll make good choices. We're just staying with my parents in Virginia Beach, so it will be pretty normal each day.
Ideas for healthy dinners?