The flash on my camera broke last week, so I've not been able to get many good pictures. I feel like I've lost an arm! I'm guessing there are a handful of people out there that roll their eyes at the amount of photos I take & post, but not my problem! I saw this on Pinterest and it made me laugh!
Some fun things in the last couple of weeks inlcude:
- Reese saying bye-bye, Papaw, da-da, and Momma very clearly!
- Hayden saying Papaw and Mamaw clearly along with giving the best kisses ever!
- They both love to blow kisses all the time, and Hayden will lean in and give kiss after kiss especially
at bedtime!
-They love to hide, either around corners or under blankets, and then spring out and yell "Boo!"
- They are still obsessed with dogs!
- They are so very interested in babies as they are all around us. We bought Reese her first baby doll,
and she loves to give it kisses.
- They still lose their minds when they realize I am leaving them, whether it be at home or at church. I
am working on cheap ways to leave once or twice a week for short periods to get them accustomed to
it. Beside my kids being healthy, the only other thing I hoped for before I had kids was for them to not
be uber clingy or to freak out when they weren't with me. At least they are healthy, right??
Considering a mother's day out program once or twice a week. We'll see.
- Even though Hayden can walk, he still chooses not to. It's bizarre. Sweet Reesie girl wants to walk so
badly, but her gimpy leg doesn't really allow it. She will stand up, take two steps, fall hard on her
butt, and then repeat the process literally fifteen times in a row. Her left ankle just turns in constantly
and she has weak legs. The physical therapist cancelled her appointment that was supposed to be last
week, so that is frustrating. She said she was unable to reschedule at this time. Boo!
- We are going on week four of no bottles at all! We had been down to about 1 or 2 a week for about
two months, but it looks as though we are totally done! Anyone need any Avent bottles?
- Hayden's new thing at meals is to suck the food and then spit out the soggy food. For example, if I give
him a bite of pizza, he sucks the cheese and sauce off, chews & sogs up the crust, and then plops it out.
It's a big no-no, and we are teaching him that it is not ok. Now when he does it the first time, he's done
with that food item. It's a little bit funny though! Reese's new thing is to lick everything before she eats
- Hayden loves to dance! We watch one episode of Fresh Beat Band a day, and he likes to hold my
hand and dance around to the songs. It's the best!
- I'm sure I have a million other things that I think are fantastic, but that's enough for one blog! :)
What is your favorite memory of you child/children? Did you keep a baby book for them?