Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Twin Tuesday

On Saturday morning, we randomly decided to run the kids up to Blue Bird Gap Farm in Hampton, VA. We had never been there before, plus it's free! It was horribly humid and hot that day- quite miserable actually! My upper lip was sweating along with everything else. The kids pointed at most animals and said dog, with the exception of the ducks. I promptly downloaded some animal apps for practice! Here are some photos of our farm and park adventure this weekend!

My favorite of the day!

They love to look at each other and laugh while swinging!

We will definitely go back, especially once they are both fully walking. And maybe when it's cooler! They loved the animals, loved the big park there, and there were picnic tables if we wanted to eat there. I give it two thumbs up and can't wait to start meeting other moms & kids there for play dates. Free is good!!

 Here are a few more pics of our week:

Their new favorite game is to open and close this door. Who knows, but it's free!

When they shut it all the way, the use sign language to say please for me to open it again.

Checking out baby Brody!

Connor & Reese played here forever and just laughed and laughed!

They love their new cousin!

She kept yelling at me, and I'm pretty sure it was to take her shoes off.

Serious when walking.

Get them off!

Uhhhh, mom!

Sweet girl! I love this photo!