Monday, May 7, 2012

Manic Monday

man·ic adjective pertaining to or affected by mania
mania noun excessive excitement or enthusiasm

Much like’s Mind Dumps, Manic Monday is just a snapshot of the random excitement that is inside my head.

  • We've been living in our new digs for just over 7 weeks. We definitely feel at home, but maybe too at home! Our stuff is gradually spreading around the house. It's hard to keep all the junk that accompanies two one year olds contained.
  • I love our new neighborhood! Everyone is so friendly; it's a big change from our last street. On our last street, I would say hi to some neighbors and they would straight ignore me. 
  • We also have sidewalks in this neighborhood with makes walking with the twins so much more fun. There is no HOA in this neighborhood, and it is still looking great! I understand why people feel the need for them, but ours did nothing but drive me nutso. 
  • For example, when we moved in our front door was a cream color, and it matched our trim. We got a notice week two stating that our door was the wrong color. Since we lived in a house with green shutters, our door had to be white or red. White? All the trim was cream! PS- That's the color the door came in when we bought the house. Shouldn't they have taken that up with the previous owner? 
  • I know we didn't pay much compared to some HOAs ($120 four times a year), but we didn't have sidewalks, we have no commons area, no park, and no pool or clubhouse. They were also inconsistent when they did their walk throughs, and not much drives me battier than inconsistency.
  • Our week started super crazy because our nephew, Connor, was sick so the twins couldn't go to Nicole's Monday and Tuesday while I worked. Good thing too because by noon on Monday Reese had a fever and Hayden was acting wackadoodle. 
I know he doesn't look sick, but he was. I love this picture!

My pitiful little girl. She was very snuggly when she wasn't feeling well.
  • Thank goodness for Rob watching the twins because I couldn't find a sub Monday. My parents came to help for a few hours because Rob had a meeting in the afternoon we didn't want to cancel. My parents offered to come for the day Tuesday so that both of us could work. 
  • Rob and my dad ended up taking the twins to the doctor on Tuesday because of high fevers, and they ended up having ear infections. Both of them- how bizarre!
  • This past weekend was one of my favorites in a long time!
  • On Wednesday, we went on a double date with a couple that we have known for a long time, but recently renewed, if you will, our relationship. I love their hearts, their passion, and hanging out with another married couple that values marriage. Plus, we ate at Plaza & it's one of our favorites!
  • On Thursday, I cooked dinner for the family, and Rob put the twins down so me and Danielle could hang out. I had a ginormous gift card for my favorite pedicure place, so we went and got pedicures together- for free!!
  • After that we met my in-laws at Love in a Cup for yogurt- basically for free! Danielle had a groupon. It was my first trip there & it was tasty.
  • Here's where it get better! On Friday, Rob hung out with the twins all day. I went to the beach with Courtney and Danielle! We drove with the top down to 68th Street in Virginia Beach- our favorite place in the world! Danielle had accepted a new job she'd been wanting, so we had even more reason to celebrate!

Toes in the sand!

The water was too cold for us, but the surfers were hardcore.
  • We sat on the beach all day, had slurpees, and read books all day. We dragged ourselves off the beach around 6:30 pm, and headed to Shorebreak for a pizza dinner.
  • It was a magnificent day, but such a horrible tease for summer. I'm hoping to work a few more of these days in over the next few months!
  • On Saturday, the whole family headed to a Cinco de Mayo themed baby shower for our dear friend, Mollie! We met Mollie when she was a wee 6th grader while we lived in Farmville. The fact that she is married and has a child on the way is mind blowing to us! We're excited she's having a girl so Reesie will have a little girl friend. 

I laugh each time I see this! Reese is classic.

Me, Hayden, & mommy to be Mollie!
  • On Saturday evening, I was able to see Avengers with Rob, Courtney, Lindsey, Ryan, and Candice! It was a fantastic movie! I give it two thumbs up.
  • For Mother's Day, Rob bought us tickets to see Michael Jackson's Cirque du Soleil's Immortal tour. Do what? I've always wanted to see a Cirque show, and we both love Michael Jackson- win win! We're going tomorrow night- can't wait!
How was your weekend? What did you do? Do you like the beach?