Friday, April 20, 2012

More than a friend Friday

On Fridays I try to highlight one of the amazing people in my life; hence, Friend Friday. Today's person is more than a friend though! She is my sister-in-law, co-teacher/colleague, child care provider, and dear friend. Meet Nicole Shepherd!
Nicole is a much better version of me, but 5 years younger. She married a Shepherd (Rob's younger brother, Jon), is a teacher, teaches 4th grade, loves Jesus, and is a mom. (Side note- she's going to be a mother again in June!) She's a much better version of me because she's thinner, cuter, kinder, gentler, nicer, and more sensitive. I am judgy; she gives the benefit of the doubt. I am impatient; she is patient. I am too honest; she is wise with her words. Plus a lot more stuff. We both love God, our husbands, our kids, teaching, the beach, good food, and to travel.

Before Nicole & Jon got married, she would sub for my 4th grade class at Dare occassionally, and my principal fell in love with her! Her first year teaching was the very next fall at Dare in 4th grade with me! Enter M. Shepherd and N. Shepherd as two of the fourth grade teachers which apparently is really confusing. One time a teacher (from another school) was trying to figure out how we were related and she asked if we were married to the same guy. Seriously?!? You can't make this stuff up.

Since we were already family and now working together, the friendship grew naturally. Nice can be such a generic word, but it is perfect for Nicole. She is the nicest woman on the planet. As I mentioned earlier, she is kind and thoughtful. She puts other people before herself. She is strong, a talented teacher, and a beautiful mother to Connor and soon to be Brody. She is an amazing wife and I am blessed to be a part of her life.

Last year we proposed job sharing to our principal and school board, and it got approved. We had been dreaming of this for a few years! Here's how this little taste of perfection works. I teach our fourth grade class on Mondays and Tuesday. While I am at work, Nicole keeps Hayden and Reese. Nicole teaches our class every Thursday and Friday. While she is at work, I keep her son, Connor. We alternate Wednesdays, and teach an even number of days by the end of the school year. It couldn't be going better. We haven't had one parent complaint, the students love it, and our administration has been pleased. Each week passes flawlessly. We plan collaboratively with our team on the days we are there, we grade papers that fall on our teaching days, and we get to split the essays which is a small taste of heaven!! In addition, our kids spend every day of the week together, and they love each other so much.

We made the mutual decision to become full time stay at home mommies next year. It was very bittersweet because we love teaching, adore our team, LOVE Dare Elementary, and it is amazing job sharing. Our kids won in the end since we all know we can't get these years back. Best part?? We'll BOTH be off together this summer and next year! Two moms and four Shepherd cousins will be going on all kinds of adventures together.

Nicole, it is an honor to be your sister, friend, and aunt to Connor. You are so good at everything you do while staying humble and generous through it all. I love having you and Jon as friends and as a healthy marriage we can look to. Thank you for loving Reese and Hayden so much, and for being the best co-teacher in the world. I love you!

 Pre-children we loved spending all day at the beach together!

 This is one of my favorite memories with Nicole. We were body boarding and laughing so hard! I have it on video too. Ha!

 We went on a trip across Virginia with our friend & teacher Kathy. This is us at Manassas!

 We share an open love for New Kids on the Block. This was us at their reunion concert! LOVE!
 Open house for the 2011-2012 school year!
M. Shepherd & N. Shepherd

 One of my favorite pictures of our kids. They love to give each other kisses, but it appears Hayden is eating Connor in this one.

 Our first of many superhero Halloweens!

You can tell they are Shepherds because of the eyes!