Thursday, April 12, 2012

Thinner Thursday Update

I started this weight journey about 6 weeks ago. I weighed 223.4 on my first Thursday's blog. Today, I weigh in at:


That's a total of 15.6 pounds lost, but only 0.2 for this week. My bad. This past week was not fantastic. I lost a lot of the drive to do this well. You'd think I'd care more because of this blog, but I've never had a problem with honesty. I honestly stunk this week. I estimated a lot of calories and was not careful. I made a mean dessert for Easter brunch and couldn't resist it that day, the day after, and the day after that!! We ate out more because of spring break, and while I researched after the fact and calculated exact calories, I went over most days. We went to Busch Gardens for the second time this past Monday, and as we were walking in, Courtney and I decided that we were going to have an ice cream with sprinkles in a waffle cone. Come on- it was the last day of spring break, it was 73 degrees, and we were about to walk the park. Ha. Excuses, excuses. I told Rob if you fail to plan, you plan to fail, and that I was planning to fail that day. Pathetic, but no regrets yet.

Tuesday morning kicked my tail right back into gear with having to pack a lunch and plan our dinner ahead of time. This worked Wednesday as well. I do well on a schedule. Plus, I'm stuck eating only what I've packed that day and drinking lots of water. The warm weather reminded me that beach and pool weather is right around the corner, so I have work to do! I would appreciate prayers for discipline and healthy eating choices. Also, my dear friend Stacy e-mailed me Wednesday to encourage me which meant the world to me. Thanks!

Is there something you can't resist when it comes to food? Chips and dip get me every time.....