Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Twin Tuesday

Last Thursday the twins had a pretty traumatizing experience at the doctor for their 12 month visit. For some gross reason, Reese gets bad wax build up in her ears. The doctor has me help her hold Reese down and uses both a skinny swab and then a metal skinny hook to get all the build up out. Reese acts as though a zombie is attacking. She turns purple, screeches, and shudders. It's awful. One of her hands got loose and she scratched her face. Mommy fail. I started using a tiny bit of wax drops to help the cause before her 15 month appointment.

This adventure was followed by three shots for each child. They were not happy with us and were crying big gator tears. Plus, they have such sympathy for one another (twin thing?) and if one was calm and the other lost it, the other joined right in. It was exhausting.

Up next, they had to go downstairs for a blood draw. Apparently our insurance requires it at 1 year, but Reese also had a slight issue we were all a little concerned about. She had some small dark dots on her chest and stomach for about two weeks, but the doctor said they weren't related to a rash or eczema. She wanted her blood drawn and asked it be reported back to her stat. She called later that day to tell us everything looked perfect for both of them. Praise God! If the dots don't go away in a week or two, I have to call her back. I can hardly see them anymore.

The blood draw was gross too. They had to sit in our lap while one lady helped us hold them still and another drew their blood with a butterfly needle. They have little bruises from where she was digging around. This turned them into grumpy monsters until their nap. They were fine that night and most of the next day, but as mentioned in yesterday's blog, Hayden's temp spiked up to 104 Saturday. Stacy handled it like a pro, and both her and Mim reassured me that I should stay in North Carolina and he'd be fine. By evening he was playing, he slept all night, and his temp was completely gone in the morning. I kept them home from church Sunday evening just to be safe, and it had been a crazy weekend for those kids. I hated missing.

Here are some recent pics:

They LOVE when I do the laundry. I think it's cute how she's holding him.

They like me to give them a sock and they put it in the dryer.

When we are upstairs, their favorite place is in front of Mamaw and Papaw's door.
They just sit and laugh and wait for them.

Reese's new favorite game is to sit on the ledge of the fireplace, stand up, and fall over.
Sometimes she stands up and just dives into your arms. She's crazy.

Stand, fall, repeat....over and over. She just laughs!
They also like to sit on the step that goes down into the fancy living room.

I'll take that ball, sissy. They also enjoy smacking each other in the head.

Reese won't be allowed to have pets at our house, so she'll get her fill elsewhere. 
She's getting used to Stacy's dog, Max. She says dog and tries to bark. Ha.

Those Froyens are always finding a way to get Hayden in Boston gear. This we are ok with!