Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wife Wednesday

I always tell my students that rules make the world go 'round. The same is true of relationships. Here are a bunch of rules we "follow" to make this an oh so happier marriage. Some of these were mentioned in a previous blog, but repetition helps people learn, right?
  1. Go to bed together (at the same time).
  2. Pray together before we fall asleep.
  3. No TV in the bedroom- it kills the romance. (We are on a break from this rule, but hardly watch it.)
  4. We don't use absolutes such as always, never, etc. I mentioned this one before but it's non-negotiable. The chances of someone ALWAYS doing that one thing are slim to none.
  5. Hug & kiss before we leave for work when possible.
  6. We don't put down or disrespect the other to our friends.
  7. Ask each other if there's anything we can do for one another.
  8. Serve each other when possible.
  9. Don't send Monica flowers if you think you've done something wrong. It's cliche.
  10. Be creative. Don't get lazy.
Any rules that you follow for a successful relationship?