Thursday, April 26, 2012

Thinner Thursday Update

I started this blog weighing 223.4. This morning I weigh.....


Dang. That's a 2.6 gain for the week. It's my first gain though, so I don't feel too too bad. It's still a total of 14.8 pounds loss. I wasn't surprised at all because of the last week. Enter date night at Outback and a trip to Nagshead. I sure did eat some good food though! I don't regret it, and I'm still motivated to make good choices. I did a grocery trip Tuesday and restocked healthier foods. I only walked once this past week, so here's to hoping that increases as well. I'm not discouraged though, and I know I can do this. Goodbye weekend of onion rings, coke, burgers, pizza, and desserts. Hello Kashi, carrot sticks, water, yogurt, and fruit. Let's do this!