Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Twin Tuesday

Question for you. Here's the scenario.

Our kids are usually very happy and sweet. They play without us, they don't have to be coddled, and they don't get everything they want. We are around people all the time. All four grandparents are active in their lives. They spend 2 or 3 days a week with Nicole while I am at work. Amanda babysits for them almost once a week. Courtney visits several times a week. Alicia comes over for playdates. We take them to run errands and to visit people. They do not live in a bubble. They eat great and sleep well. I thought we were past this separation anxiety phase, and things were going great.

Enter church two weeks ago. (Disclaimer- they hadn't been to church in 8 weeks because my parents were babysitting while we were prepping the start team. Also, they go to bed at 7:00pm every night. Church starts at 6pm and they don't get home until 7:30.) The first week they lost their minds in the nursery. I don't mind the crying because I know they were fine (fed, clean, changed, not injured, etc), but I felt awful for the workers and the other babies. They cried the entire time. This past week I sat in there with them to help them understand it is our new normal and it is a safe place. They both basically had to have one hand on me at all times. They were whiny and crying if that changed. If I leave the room at the house, nothing but me or Rob calms them. If I set Reese beside me instead of in my lap at times, she cries her face off.

How can I make it stop??