In case you didn't know, Rob does crazy things while he sleeps. With his permission, I will share some of his antics.
Exhibit A: He often falls asleep on the couch well before bedtime. Over the last 11 years of marriage, I have learned how to wake him up from this scenario. He cannot and must not be startled. If you think that will be funny, wear a helmet and protective gear. I stand at a distance, lean in, and firmly place my whole hand on his leg. He cannot think he is being tickled; he cannot think he is being shook. I have to gently say his name several times. If I divert from any of this, he wakes with wide eyes going either "What, what, what?" or "Who are you?". That's my favorite. Last week I woke him up, he looked at me and said, "Who are you?" I laughed and said who are you? It messes with him.
Exhibit B: I rolled over the other night (Rob had already fallen asleep), and I accidentally brushed against his leg. He says, "Where's the camp? The one and the one and the one. The kids will fall down that you know." That was it. He started snoring immediately. I wrote it down.
Exhibit C: A few years ago, our flight was delayed due to weather, so we had to stay the night in a hotel near the airport. I woke up and couldn't find Rob in the bed. I leaned over the edge of the bed, and Rob was on the floor on his stomach rolling back and forth with his hands behind his neck. I laughed and laughed. Once I got him up, he said he was dreaming that he was on the runway and the plane was landing. Ha.
Exhibit D: About seven years ago, I woke up and found Rob kneeling at the end of our bed holding onto the foot board. He kind of looked like he was water skiing. Again- hilarious. He told me later that he was riding on a boat in his dream. Fantastic.
In conclusion, some things you won't find out about your spouse until you are married. Embrace it and enjoy it. I knew he snored, but I didn't know I'd be in danger if I woke him without being gentle or that I would see and hear fantastic-ness as he slept. Some nights are uneventful, but others make me wish I remembered everything he does.
Do you or someone you love do anything crazy while sleeping?