Thursday, March 15, 2012

Thinner Thursday Update

So far, so good! As of this morning, I am weighing in at

To review, I started this journey at 223.4 pounds. I am .4 away from my 10 pound mark! Rob and I are using the My Fitness Pal app, and it works for us. The thing I am reminded of the most is if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. This is true of my trips to the grocery store, deciding on date night restaurants, and talking through our schedules the day before. If Rob has a lunch meeting, I try hard to plan dinner to help him be successful as well. If we're both eating lunch from home, we can make a yummy dinner together that night.

Our friend Faith Roberts contacted me and wants to meet to discuss incorporating exercise into our my lifestyle. Faith is a personal trainer and owns her own company called "Flair for Fitness Personal Training." Check out her Facebook page here! I am excited to talk with her, and I'll let you know what we discuss. I am absolutely not on a diet; this is a lifestyle change.

This week has been hard for me because it has been so stressful. Every free minute I am packing up our house (or blogging), and trying to wrap my mind around our upcoming changes. It makes me want to eat because I am more or less a junk food addict. I don't have it in the house anymore, and another thing that helps me is to have Rob do the grocery shopping. He sticks to the list so we save money, but I'm also not tempted to give in to urges. Now I need healthy, but tasty, recipes for dinner. Many of mine are scrapped because they are rich, creamy, and packed with calories!

What's a healthy, but tasty, recipe you love to make?